The Duke Journal of Economics is published each year to showcase outstanding research in economics by Duke Graduate and Undergraduate students.
We congratulate the authors of the research presented in this issue.
Charles Becker & Ed Tower, Faculty Advisors to the Journal
Undergraduate Articles
Taxing Marijuana and the Road to Reparations: Comparing the Colorado and Illinois Cannabis Markets by Tommaso Carlo Filippo Babucci
Predictors of Student Loan Repayments: A Comparison Between Public, Private For-Profit and Private Nonprofit Schools by Mannat Bakshi and Arjun Ahluwalia
Nonprofit Location, Survival, and Success: A Case Study of El Sistema USA by Anderson Carroll
The Elusive “Stock-Picker’s Market”: Dispersion and Mutual Fund Performance by Jacob Epstein
Comparing the Performance of Active and Passive Mutual Funds in Developing and Developed Countries by Nalini Gupta
Where You Live and Where You Move: A Cross-City Comparison of the Effects of Gentrification and How these Effects Are Tied to Racial History by Divya Juneja
Forecasting Corporate Bankruptcy: Applying Feature Selection Techniques to the Pre-and Post-Global Financial Crisis Environments by Parker Levi
The Impact of Medicare Nonpayment: A Quasi-Experimental Approach by Audrey Kornkven
The Effects of Health IT Innovation on Throughput Efficiency in the Emergency Department by Michael Levin
Hedonic Pricing in the Sneaker Resale Market by Kevin Ma and Matthew Treiber
Private Equity Buyouts and Strategic Acquisitions: An Analysis of Capital Investment and the Timing of Takeovers in the United States by Anthony Melita
An Unequal Dream: The Mortgage Rate Premium Paid by Black Communities by Michael Nicholson
Transit-Induced Neighborhood Change: Evaluating Neighborhood Racial Change in Charlotte, North Carolina’s Light Rail Corridor by Rahi Patel
Competition and Innovation: Evidence from Third-Party Reprocessing in the Medical Device Industry by Varun Prasad
Exploring an Alternative to Student Loans: Constructing and Exploring the Demand for an Income Share Agreement Market by Paul Zimmer and Alex Hilsenrath
Graduate Articles
Optimal (Non-)Repression Under Preference Falsification by Ming-yen Ho