Operation Climate Podcast

Matthew Brune, Rosanne Lam, Katherine Li, Sergio Macias-Vazquez, & Natasha von Seelen

Operation Climate Podcast

The Operation Climate Podcast team sought to make an easily accessible, “one-stop-shop” for all things geoengineering. The podcast is an attempt to begin breaking down the “geo-clique” and destigmatizing the idea of climate intervention by providing the general public with information so they can develop informed opinions. The team felt that information on potential risks and benefits of geoengineering was often presented in a way that was alienating to those outside of academic circles, and they hope to spark a more inclusive discussion on the topic.

The podcast is separated into three 10-15 minute episodes that cover the basics of geoengineering. The first episode focuses on what climate change is and how it affects all of us. The second goes into the history of humans attempting to control the weather and how that developed into engineering the climate. Finally, the last episode discusses a few of the most common and controversial methods of geoengineering, and what their benefits and drawbacks might be. Altogether, the podcast provides a comprehensive overview of what geoengineering is and why it is important.

Listen to the podcast.