Viana, D.F., Gill, D.A., Ahmadia, G., Andradi-Brown, D.A., Valdivia, A., Bennett, N.J. and Golden, C.D., 2024. Sustainable-use marine protected areas provide co-benefits to human nutrition. One Earth, 7(10), pp.1762-1771.
Le, D., Gill, D., Pakiding, F., Mascia, M., Glew, L., Ahmadia, G., Ratih, I., Claborn, K., Estradivari, E., Lazuardi, M.E. and Matualage, D., 2024. Environmental Conservation and Social Equality: Distributional Impacts of Marine Protected Areas in Eastern Indonesia. (Pre-Print)
Claudet, J., Blythe, J., Gill, D.A., Bennett, N.J., Gurney, G.G., Evans, L., Mahajan, S.L., Turner, R.A., Ahmadia, G.N., Ban, N.C. and Epstein, G., 2024. Advancing ocean equity at the nexus of development, climate and conservation policy. Nature Ecology & Evolution, pp.1-4.
Gill DA, Lester SE, Free CM, Pfaff A, Iversen E, Reich BJ, Yang S, Ahmadia G, Andradi-Brown DA, Darling ES, Edgar GJ, Fox HE, Geldmann J, Trung Le D, Mascia MB, Mesa-Gutiérrez R, Mumby PJ, Veverka L, Warmuth LM., 2024. A diverse portfolio of marine protected areas can better advance global conservation and equity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 121, 10, PMID: 38408235.
Baker, D.M., Bennett, N., Gruby, R.L., Mangubhai, S., Rotjan, R.D., Sterling, E., Sullivan-Wiley, K., Gill, D., Johnson, D., Singh, G.G., White, S.C., Gray, N.J., Imirzaldu, M., Ban, N.C., 2023. Improving human well-being outcomes in marine protected areas through futures thinking. One Earth 6, 1286–1290.
Chris Brown, Gabby N. Ahmadia, Dominic A. Andradi-Brown, Nur Arafeh-Dalmau, Christina A. Buelow, Max D. Campbell, Graham J. Edgar, Jonas Geldmann, David Gill, Rick D. Stuart-Smith, 2023. Entry fees enhance marine protected area management and outcomes. Biological Conservation, Volume 283, 110105.
Free, C. M., Smith, J. G., Lopazanski, C. J., Brun, J., Francis, T. B., Eurich, J. G., Claudet, J., Dugan, J. E., Gill, D. A., Hamilton, S. L., Kaschner, K., Mouillot, D., Ziegler, S. L., Caselle, J. E., & Nickols, K. J., 2023. If you build it, they will come: Coastal amenities facilitate human engagement in marine protected areas. People and Nature, 5, 1592–1609.
Natalie C Ban, Emily S Darling, Georgina G Gurney, Whitney Friedman, Stacy D Jupiter, W Peni Lestari, Irfan Yulianto, Sinta Pardede, Sukma AR Tarigan, Puji Prihatiningsih, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Waisea Naisilisili, Sirilo Dulunaqio, Josheena Naggea, Ravaka Ranaivoson, Vera N Agostini, Gabby Ahmadia, Jessica Blythe, Stuart J Campbell, Joachim Claudet, Courtney Cox, Graham Epstein, Estradivari, Margaret Fox, David Gill, Amber Himes‐Cornell, Harry Jonas, Elizabeth Mcleod, Nyawira A Muthiga, Tim McClanahan, 2023. Effects of management objectives and rules on marine conservation outcomes. Conservation Biology. 00, e14156.
Gill, D.A., Blythe, J., Bennett, N., Evans, L., Brown, K., Turner, R.A., Baggio, J.A., Baker, D., Ban, N.C., Brun, V., Claudet, J., Darling, E., Franco, A.D., Epstein, G., Gray, N.J., Gurney, G.G., Horan, R.P., 2023. Triple exposure: Reducing negative impacts of climate change, blue growth, and conservation on coastal communities. One Earth in press.
Blythe J.L., Gill D.A., Claudet J., Bennett N.J., Gurney G.G., Baggio J.A., Ban N.C., Bernard M.L., Brun V., Darling E.S., Di Franco A., Epstein G., Franks P., Horan R., Jupite S. D., Lau J., Lazzari N., Mahajan S. L., Mangubhai S., Naggea J., Turner R.A., Zafra-Calvo N., 2023. Blue justice: a review of emerging scholarship and resistance movements. Cambridge Prisms Coastal futures. Jan 26;1–36.
Andradi-Brown, D.A., Veverka, L., Amkieltiela, A., Crane, N.L., Estradivari, E., Fox, H., Gill, D., Goetze, J., Gough, C., Krueck, N., et al. 2023. Diversity in Marine Protected Area regulations: partial protection approaches for locally appropriate marine management. Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 160.
Joachim Claudet, Natalie C. Ban, Jessica Blythe, Johnny Briggs, Emily Darling, Georgina G. Gurney, James E. Palardy, Elizabeth P. Pike, Vera N. Agostinim Gabby N. Ahmadia, Stuart J. Campbell, Graham Epstein, Estradivari, David Gill, Amber Himes-Cornell, Harry D. Jonas, Stacy D. Jupiter, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Lance Morgan. 2022. Avoiding the Misuse of other effective area-based conservation measures in the wake of the blue economy. One Earth 5:9 pp. 969-974.
Nathan J. Bennett, Molly Dodge, Thomas S. Akre, Steven W.J. Canty, Rafael Chiaravalloti, Ashley A. Dayer, Jessica L. Deichmann, David Gill, Melanie McField, James McNamara, Shannon E. Murphy, A. Justin Nowakowski, Melissa Songer. 2022. Social science for conservation in working landscapes and seascapes. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3:954930
Lisa M. Campbell, Robin Fail, Rebecca Horan, Leslie Acton, Jeffrey E. Blackwatters, Alejandro Garcia Lozano, David Gill, Noella Gray, Rebecca Gruby, Emily Melvin, Grant Murray, Emilie Wiehe. Architecture and agency for equity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Earth System Governance vol. 13.
Robert Y. Fidler, Gabby N. Ahmadia, Amkieltiela, Awaludinnoer, Courtney Cox, Estradivari, Louise Glew, Christian Handayani, Shauna L. Mahajan, Michael B. Mascia Fitryanti Pakiding, Dominic A. Andradi-Brown, Stuart J. Campbell, Kelly Clarborn, Matheus De Nardo, Helen E. Fox, David Gill, Nur I. Hidayat, Raymond Jakub, Duong T. Le, Purwanto, Abel Valdivia, Alastair R. Harborne. 2022. Participation, not Penalties: Community involvement and equitable governance contribute to more effective multiuse protected areas. Science Advances 8:18.
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Nathan J. Bennett, Laure Katz, Whitney Yadao-Evans, Gabby N. Ahmadia, Scott Atkinson, Natalie C. Ban, Neil M. Dawson, Asha de Vos, Juno Fitzpatrick, David Gill, Mael Imirizaldu, Naia Lewis, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Leah Meth, Ella-Kari Muhl, David Obura, Ana K. Spalding, Angelo Villagomez, Daniel Wagner, Alan White, and Aulani Wilhelm., 2021. Advancing social equity in and through marine conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science, p.994.
Anderson, S.C., Elsen, P.R., Hughes, B.B., Tonietto, R.K., Bletz, M.C., Gill, D.A., Holgerson, M.A., Kuebbing, S.E., McDonough MacKenzie, C., Meek, M.H. and Veríssimo, D., 2021. Trends in ecology and conservation over eight decades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
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Bennett, N. J., Finkbeiner, E. M., Ban, N. C., Belhabib, D., Jupiter, S. D., Kittinger, J. N., Mangubhai, S., Scholtens, J., Gill, D.,& Christie, P. 2020. The COVID-19 Pandemic, Small-Scale Fisheries, and Coastal Fishing Communities. Coastal Management,48(4), 336-347.
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