For this week’s reading, you may choose a chapter in the handbook or find a paper from the following CER journals. If it is not open access on the hosting website, try using Google Scholar, Duke Library, or the author’s home page to find a freely available copy. Contact Prof. Stephens-Martinez if there is a paper that you want to read, but it is behind a paywall, and she can try to help you get a copy.
Warning: Journal papers are often longer.
There are two deliverables for all BYOPapers:
- An entry in your QQC Doc
- A Trello card in the class’s Trello board summarizing the paper
- Your card should contain a 1-2 sentence summary, key takeaways from the paper, any other thoughts/questions you had about the paper, and a citation with a link (unless it’s the handbook). Attaching a copy of the paper to the card is appreciated but not required. Be prepared to also discuss why you chose this paper. You do not need to make this extensive; see the example card for reference.
In your tables, you will discuss what labels to apply to your paper (and if you didn’t present a prior BYOPaper, that paper as well) and any new labels that would make sense to have. Then we’ll come together and have a class discussion about the papers.
- Exemplary (10 points) – There is a card with all the parts, and it was presented in class.
- Satisfactory (9 points) – There is a card with all of the parts, but it was not presented in class. If you missed class for a reasonable reason, you will get the opportunity when you return to class.
- Not yet (6 points) – There is a card, but it is missing one part.
- Unassessable (2 points) – There is a card, but it does not fulfill the Not yet criteria.
You may redo the work and request a single regrade to update your grade.