For the first part of the class, we will have group check-ins. Make sure to create a slide like usual.
In the last 30 minutes, we will have Prof. Brandon Fain as a guest speaker. He will talk about how theory and algorithms are taught, how it’s motivated/connected to practice, how people learn it, how it’s assessed, and what’s known and what isn’t really well known about it.
Reading (Also in Box folder): Maria Knobelsdorf, Christoph Kreitz, and Sebastian Böhne. 2014. Teaching theoretical computer science using a cognitive apprenticeship approach. In Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (SIGCSE ’14). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 67–72.
In your QQC Doc the day before class (11/9), write the following reflection, which will count as an assignment:
- Do you think learning theory/conceptual knowledge about computer science is important for all computing students? Why or why not?
- What has been rewarding or frustrating for you about learning these topics?
This will be out of 10 points:
- Satisfactory (10 points) – There is a reflection and both questions are answered.
- Unsatisfactory (5 points) – There is a reflection, but only one question is answered
If you do not score a satisfactory, you can update your reflection and submit a regrade request via email. Use the subject line “CS290: Regrade Teaching Associate Reflection.” Please request a regrade by 11/15.