Due: Thursday, 9/1
QQC stands for Question, Quote, or Comment. The QQC Doc is a Google document shared with the instructor of the class and will serve as a bibliography and notes for the readings. To start, create and share a Google document with ksm@cs.duke.edu
The Google document should follow a particular format to help with navigation. To make things easier here is a Google doc template. Clicking on this link will prompt you to make a copy of the Google doc.
- Google doc name: “QQC Doc: Given_name Surname” – replace Given_name Surname with your name such that it can be matched to your name in the gradebook.
- Contents for each reading
- Title of the reading with the format “Heading 1”, so they appear in the document outline.
- Citation – Must contain title, author, publication venue, and year (Google Scholar’s Cite feature will help)
- Link to the reading (not needed for readings from the Handbook, but could be useful to you)
- Your Question(s), Quote(s), and Comment(s) about the reading. If you are wondering how much to do, check out the QQC Doc Check-in post.
You can learn about QQC from 5 Ways College Teachers Can Improve Their Instruction by the Cult of Pedagogy podcast.
The grading will be based on whether you created the document based on the above instructions. There are 10 possible points for each check and they will be awarded as follows:
- Exemplary (10 points) – By the due date the document exists, is shared with the instructor, and is named correctly.
- Not yet (6 points) – The document exists, is shared with the instructor, but is not named correctly.
You may redo/update the work and request a single regrade to update your grade. To ask for a regrade email the instructor with the subject: “CS290 Regrade: QQC Doc Creation” include a link to your QQC doc.