In ecology, resilience is the ability to adapt to or recover from a disturbance in the environment that disrupts how life there usually operates. Our Ready, Set, Resilience program arose from teachers in eastern NC who were looking for ways to help their students after the severe weather disturbance events of Hurricane Florence and Dorian. The core idea of Ready, Set, Resilience is that we learn about what makes nature resilient and translate that to into supporting educators and kids.

1. Rooted in Fables

Bend in the Wind: A Collection of Nature Fables: Purchase Here

For class sets of 20+, please email or

2. Growing in Resilience

Ready, Set, Resilience: Activity Booklet: Purchase Here

Ready, Set, Resilience: Teacher Cards (Coming Soon)

3. Learning in the Classroom

DRAFT Standard-Aligned Lessons for middle school classrooms (email for requests)

4. Sharing with our Community

Check out this storymap to be inspired by examples of kid-led community events

Ready Set Resilience was made possible with support from the Duke University Marine Lab, NC Sea Grant, the Nicholas school of the Environment, Duke Engage, Bass Connections, the Duke Office of Durham and Community Affairs, and the Kenan Fellowship Program.