Florida FSU Hawaii ICRR Indiana
Kyoto University ITEP laurentian LANL MEPhI
NCState ORNL Sandia

Institution List

This is the current COHERENT collaborator list.

Note that some people are listed under more than one institution.

A denotes the Collaboration Position

A * denotes the Collaboration Board member (Institutional Representative)

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Andrew Erlandson*  (Backgrounds Coordinator). Stephan Foster, David Perez Loureiro, Mark Stringer, Bhaskar Sur

Carnegie Mellon University

Hexiang Huang, Seung Mok Lee, Gen Li, Diana Parno* (Analysis Co-Coordinator), Sam Tello, Cassandra Yang

University of  Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shi Chen, Wenqian Huang, Lingquan Kong, Qian Liu*, Chenguang Su, Yunlinchen Yu, Yangheng Zheng

Concord University

Tulasi Subedi*


Spokesperson, Analysis Coordinator, Physics Coordinator, participation in all detector subsystems

Bracho Aitor, Phil Barbeau (Physics Coordinator, Heavy Inelastics Coordinator), Baran Bodur, Ryan Bouabid, Celeste Guerrero, Janina Hakenmüller (Analysis Co-Coordinator), Sam Hedges, Tyler Johnson,  Natalie Jones, Adryanna Major, Emma van Nieuwenhuizen*  (Junior Member Representative), Charlie Prior, Joshua Queen, Jane O’Reilly, José Colon Rivera, Jay Runge, Kate Scholberg† * (Spokesperson), Ana Zaalishvili

University of Florida

Heather Ray*

Florida State University

Dan Pershey*

University of Hawaii

Zepeng Li*

ICRR, University of Tokyo

Masayuki Harada, Hiroyuki Sekiya*

Indiana University

Jack Easterday, Sam Gladney, Bo Johnson (Junior Representative), Anthony Kelly, Jeremy Lu,  Mark Luxnat, Andrew Orvedahl, Luke Parsons, Zion Reliford, Daniel Salvat (COH-Ar-750 Co-Coordinator), Mike Snow, Ben Suh, Rex Tayloe† * (CENNS-10 Coordinator), Gerard Visser

Kyoto University

Licheng Feng, Roger Wendell*

National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” 

Vladimir Belov*

Laurentian University

Neutrino Induced Neutrons, detector simulations and design, neutrino flux normalization

Andrea Gallo Rosso, Clarence Virtue

Laurentian University Physics


Steve Elliott*


Alexander Bolozdynya*, Vladimir Belov, Alexey Konovalov, Ekaterina Kozlova, Alexander Kumpan, Dmitry Rudik, Olga Razuveava,  Alexey Shakirov


NaI and Ge detector systems

Diane Markoff† * (Speakers Committee Chair and NaI Coordinator), Nixon Ogoi, Tyler Pulis, Jesse Santos, Godwin Smart

NCCU Physics


Measurement of CEvNS using P-type Point Contact (P-PC) Germanium Detectors

Department of Nuclear Engineering: John Mattingly, Md Faisal Rahman

Department of Physics: James Browning, Matthew P Green† * (Diversity & Inclusion Action Committee, Ge Coordinator), Keith Mann, Nicholas Meredith


Jacob Daughhetee, Lorenzo Fabris, Michael Febbraro, John Galambos, Alfredo Galindo-Uribarri, Yuri Efremenko, Matthew P Green, Brennan Hackett, Matt Heath (Technical Coordinator), Paul Mueller, Nicholas Meredith, Jason Newby† *  (Deputy Spokesperson), Chang-Hong Yu

Okayama University

Yota Hino, Yusuke Koshio*, Fumi Nakanishi


Belkis Cabrera-Palmer * (MARS Coordinator), David Reyna

Seoul National University

Moohuyn Ahn,  Sanghoon Jeon, Haemin Jung, Dojin Kim, Hyeonu Kim, Youngjae Lee, Se Uk Oh, Byeongsu Yang, Jonghee Yoo* (Publications Board, 1-ton Argon Co-Coordinator), Hojin Yoon

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Yun-tse Tsai* (LArTPC Coordinator)

U. of South Dakota

Coordinate background analyses, develop cryogenic inorganic scintillation detectors for low-mass dark matter search and non-standard neutrino interactions, Geant4 simulation package, maintain the public website

Hafez Abdelhafez, Manoj Adhikari, Kyler Kooi,  Jing Liu† * (Analysis Co-Coordinator, CryoCsI Coordinator),  Joel Sander, Yongjin Yang

USD Physics

U. of Tennessee

Analysis of data from COH-Ar-10 and Nubes; design and construction of D2O detector; maintenance and repair of detectors at the Neutrino Alley.

Alfredo Galindo-Uribarri, Igor Bernardi, Yuri Efremenko† * (D2O Coordinator), Justin Skweres, Eli Ward

U. of Tokyo

Bilguun Bathayar, Ching Yu Leung, Yasuhiro Nakajima*

Tufts U.

Jane Brockett, Vinicius da Silva, Taritree Wongjirad*


Operate the neutrino cube detectors, including new designs for interesting nuclear targets; designed and operate the NaIvE-185 Detector, and are designing the NaIvE-3T detector; participate in the Germanium detector system, and will deploy several components; perform quenching factor calibrations for many of the detector systems, including NaI, CsI and Ge.

Brown A, Bracho Aitor, Phil Barbeau† *, Ryan Bouabid, Matthew P Green, Sam Hedges, Tyler Johnson, Natalie Jones, Diane Markoff, Nixon Ogoi, Charlie Prior, Tyler Pulis, Grayson Rich, José Colon Rivera, Jay Runge,  Godwin Smart, Emma van Nieuwenhuizen, Ana Zaalashvili

Virginia Tech

Keyu Ding (Communication Coordinator),  Jon Link *  (Publication Board Chair),  Olga Kyzylova,  Keegan Walkup

Virginia Tech Physics

Washington & Jefferson College

Sean Adamski, Kirsten McMichael, Rebecca Rapp* (Computing/Software Coordinator)

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The COHERENT collaboration is a vibrant community of undergraduate and R1 universities in partnership with national laboratories. If you are interested in joining the COHERENT collaboration, please contact Kate Scholberg,   Prospective collaborators are asked to provide materials on intended contributions as well as CVs of senior personnel.   The Collaboration Board votes on acceptance of new collaborating institutions. During initial conversations to define interests, the COHERENT collaboration will assist in exploring mutually beneficial avenues of contribution.