What is Bobby's Coaches?


A peer support program that creates a sense of community among young adults as they navigate typical age-related transitions like applying for jobs, dating, finding their voice, or gaining independence, all while experiencing cancer and its effects.

What is Peer Coaching?


The design

Our coaches are young adult cancer survivors who are trained and monitored by DUHS mental health professionals who support teen and young adults with chronic conditions gain skills for long-term health and wellness.

Coaching Process

The process

The process has a goal of helping each participant understand where they see themselves going, what’s important to them about that, and what steps are meaningful and manageable to begin to take to get there.

Areas of Health

The Topics

Our program explores topics such as relationships, communication, navigating the healthcare system, emotional coping, nutrition, self-image, fertility preservation, sexual health, and more.

Role of Coach

The Approach

The coaching process meets each person where they are on any given day. Coaches are the experts in the coaching program, but patients are the experts in themselves.

Who Do We Serve?

Individuals between 18-30 years old...

...currently a patient within the Duke University Health System...

...who has had cancer or currently has cancer...

...and have access to a mobile device.

What Participants Are Saying...

"My coach understands what I am going through when no one else does. My feelings and reactions feel validated. I feel like I can be myself."
“I wanted to start, you know, moving forward from having cancer... Being able to know how to maintain my health and, one big thing with that was, not getting anxious every time something happened health-wise."
"I've made leaps and bounds since joining Bobby's Coaches in June 2020."
"I don’t think I’d be the same person if I didn’t go through this cancer and then have this connection."
"I have gained a lot of self-confidence. In the beginning I didn't think that I could do it."
“You can talk with someone that understands in a way that most people can't -- even doctors."