CSI Baboonland
This teaching module is aimed at middle schoolers. It assumes that students have had some exposure to the concepts of the cell, chromosomes, and DNA. Using real examples from the Amboseli baboon population, it teaches how scientists use genetic markers to determine genetic identity and parentage. It includes a powerpoint presentation that instructors can use, and a worksheet for the students, with three problems to solve. An answer key is included.
Baboon Reproduction: Linking sexual swellings, estrogen, and mating behavior
This data expedition uses real data on baboon reproduction to test hypotheses about animal signals and mating. The lesson is designed for undergraduates with little or no exposure to R or other programming software, but can easily be adapted for more advanced students. After a brief Powerpoint introduction to baboon sociality, reproduction, and mate-guarding, students will generate predictions to two hypotheses about the dataset. Students will then work through a script in R that generates several descriptive statistics and several graphs to test those predictions. Students will have to adjust parts of the script to generate the stats and graphs.