Our team is committed to making the hybrid in-person/online Leveraging Data and Methods in Alzheimer’s Disparities Research Workshop a positive experience for all participants. Please take a minute to review the answers to the most frequently asked questions, and if you cannot not find an answer to your question, please contact us at NIAworkshopADRD@duke.edu

I received an invitation to the online event, but I am not sure how to enter the event?

You have received a personalized invitation from the Zoom account noreply-zoomevents@zoom.us as a panelist or an attendee, depending on your role in the event. This invitation contains an enclosed invite.ics file with the direct link to the event and the option to save the event on your calendar. Press on the link or copy and paste the URL word-string it into the web-browser if your email app has disabled the hyperlink for any reason. Follow further instructions as to what you are going to prefer, open the event in your Zoom application or access it on the web.

How will I enter the event if my internet connection was interrupted?

You may enter and re-enter the event as many times as needed. Use your invitation link to do so.

I am a participant registered for in-person participation. Why did I receive the link to the online event?

The link to the event may be useful to you if you are hesitant to ask a presenter questions in-person, but rather wish to type them in into the chat. Having access to the online event will also allow you to participate in the polls. We only ask you to mute your speakers and the microphone on your devices, because the electronics in the conference room will interfere with your devices and will produce extremely loud noises.

I am a non-local presenter. When will I receive the hotel reservation confirmation?

Our support team has it covered. You do not have to contact the hotel in advance or expect a hotel reservation confirmation. All you need to do is to identify yourself at the front desk as a participant of the Workshop.

I am a non-local presenter. How will I get to the hotel?

The hotel is situated on Duke University’s campus, only 20 minutes from Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) and just two miles from Durham downtown at 230 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708. The hotel no longer provides shuttle services after the COVID-19 interrupted normal business practices. Please take UBER or the RDU taxi to the hotel. The workshop will cover travel expenses but please make sure that you save the receipts.

I am a panelist participating remotely and would like to test how my microphone, camera and share screen options work. How can I do this?

You may test your microphone and camera live on the day of your speech during the practice session between 8:20am and 8:50am (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada). Please respectfully check in advance that your Zoom app does not require updates.

The event agenda seems to be intensive, will food be provided?

Yes, light breakfast will be provided to the visitors in the conference room pre-function area before the start of the event and until 10:00am, following by all day refreshments and snacks. The event covers continental breakfast for the non-local speakers. It will be served separately at the MarketPlace between 6:30 am and 9:00 am. Lunch will take place at the MarketPlace lunch kiosk; the non-glutinous meals will be furnished with tags.

I have the schedule conflict with the workshop time, will the event be recorded?

Yes, the Workshop will be recorded, and the recording be made available on demand in approximately 3-4 weeks after the event. We will notify the registrants.