Week 1 in MSRB III 6th Floor

I definitely felt I needed to include the location of my lab in the title of this first blog post to illustrate the amazing view I have of the Duke Chapel from the space I work in inside the lab area (not to brag:) ).

Long story short, I have very high hopes for the next 7 weeks. Even in these past few days that I have been settling in, I already feel I have done and learned a lot. My two mentors have been very patient with me as I start to learn the ins and outs of the lab and have entrusted me to do a few complicated tasks that I never imagined myself doing in this first week. This is why I expect to gain a large skill set during my time in Dr. Ru-Rong Ji’s lab. Most importantly, I want to contribute as much as possible to the lab and their overall goal in pain research. 

Outside of the lab, however, I do expect to have fun and get to know the Durham area better alongside the new friends that I have made. Making genuine and meaningful connections with colleagues and peers this summer is very important to me to make it a much more fulfilling experience. In any case, I plan to maintain a positive mindset and view it all as a great opportunity to grow as a person

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