print(“The start of BSURF!”)

Hi everyone! My name is Amelia and I’m excited to blog about my journey with BSURF. I expect to learn a lot this summer, and grow as both a researcher and a person. 

I am working in the Pearson lab, more specifically with a team that is working on a software called improv. For some basic background, improv is a platform used for adaptive neuroscience experiments. The Pearson lab works in collaboration with other neuroscience labs to collect brain scans, and improv allows for real-time data analysis of neural activity.

Prior to the start of BSURF and working in the Pearson lab, I was apprehensive about my lack of experience with Python and developing software. However, having Week 1 under my belt has eased those nerves and helped shift my mindset to a state of excitement and preparation about the work that lies ahead. From just Week 1, I have already learned so much, and I expect this to be a continuing trend for the next 7 weeks. I have begun maneuvering my way around a Linux command line, I finished installing the improv software, and I am starting to dive into more Python specific tasks. 

Going forward, I foresee a lot of trial and error, and personal devotion to advance my abilities as a coder. It is still intimidating to be a newbie working with very intelligent people on such a cool project. But, I predict that by the end of these 8 weeks, I will feel more confident and proud of the work I’ve done. I am very grateful for BSURF, Dr. Grunwald, Dr. Harrel, and everyone at the Person lab for this amazing opportunity and I am eager to make the most of this summer research experience!

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