Book Chapters, Handbook Contributions & Encyclopedia Entries
Malesky, Edmund. 2020. “Decentralization in Vietnam.” In Handbook of Vietnamese Studies, edited by Jonathan L. London. London: Routledge Courzon.
McCulloch, Neil and Edmund Malesky. 2014. “What determines the quality of subnational economic governance? Comparing Indonesia and Vietnam.” in Indonesia Update: Regional Dynamics in a Decentralized Indonesia, edited by Hall Hill. Canberra: Australia National University: Chapter 9.
Schuler, Paul and Edmund Malesky. 2014. “Authoritarian Legislatures.” In Oxford Handbook on Authoritarian Institutions, edited by Shane Martin and Kore Strom. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 676-695.
Malesky, Edmund. 2014. “Understanding the Confidence Vote in Vietnamese National Assembly: An Update on ‘Adverse Effects of Sunshine.’” In Politics in Contemporary Vietnam: Party, State, and Authority Relations. London: Palgrave McMillan: 84-99.
Gelbach, Scott and Edmund Malesky. 2012. “The Grand Experiment that Wasn’t? New Institutional Economics and the Postcommunist Experience.” In Institutions, Property Rights, and Economic Growth: The Legacy of Douglass North, edited by Sebastian Galiani and Itai Sened. New York: Cambridge University Press: 223-248
Malesky, Edmund. 2010. “Interest Group Politics.” Handbook of Safeguarding Global Financial Stability: Political, Social Cultural, and Economic Theories and Models, edited by Gerard Caprio Jr. Boston: Elsevier: 60-67.
Malesky, Edmund. 2008. “Battling Onward: The Debate Over Field Research in Developmental Economics and its Implications for Comparative Politics.” Qualitative Methods (Fall).
Malesky, Edmund. 2008. “Provincial Governance and Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam.” In Twenty Years of Foreign Investment in Vietnam.” Ho Chi Minh City: Knowledge Publishing House.
Malesky, Edmund. 2008. “The Vietnam War.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (Second Edition), ed. William Darity. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA: 612-617.
Malesky, Edmund. 2004. “Push, Pull, and Reinforcing: The Channels of FDI Influence on Provincial Governance in Vietnam.” in Beyond Hanoi: Local Governance in Vietnam. Ben Kerkvliet and David Marr, eds. Singapore: Institute for South East Asian Studies and NIAS Press: 285-333.