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The Duke University’s Chapter of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is a student group aiming to promote the success of underrepresented minorities in attaining advanced degrees, careers and positions of leadership in STEM. We work to increase the number of underrepresented minorities in science through outcome-based programming. By creating informal settings through social events, students are provided with a means to develop new connections with peers at Duke University. While within-field interactions are beneficial, it is essential to foster relationships across multiple disciplines. Duke SACNAS is a medium for cross-campus collaborations and thus is a society of unique academic value.

As a chapter of larger national organization, we hope to further the mission and vision of SACNAS National at Duke. The vision of SACNAS is to achieve true diversity in STEM so that “the field accurately and proportionately reflects the demographics of the population.” For more information on SACNAS National, visit: