Tag Archives: institutional investors

Security Issuance, Institutional Investors and Quid Pro Quo: Insights from SPACs 

By | January 27, 2023

Why is it So Costly to Go Public?  The average first-day returns to investors of initial public offerings (“IPOs”) in the U.S. is 19%. These returns are even higher elsewhere, such as in China. For reference, the S&P 500 index gains only a few basis points a day on average. While a large one-day return… Read More »

Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment in Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Real Asset Funds

By | November 30, 2022

In a new paper, we show with a large sample of international data that sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) earn lower returns and are slower to fully liquidate their positions relative to other types of institutional investors. The data comprise 538 SWF investments in venture capital, private equity, and real asset funds from 52 countries from… Read More »

Are Foreign Donors Good Monitors?

By | June 28, 2021

Economic and accounting literature has long found that foreign investments provide a multitude of benefits to local stock markets and economies. Foreign inflows to for-profit firms are found to harvest not only capital but also managerial and marketing skills in addition to business connections and human resource development. For-profit foreign institutional investors have also been… Read More »