Our work has been featured on several covers:



(Silver Lab member)


  • Serdar LD, Egol JR, Lackford B, Bennett BD, Hu G, Silver DL. mRNA stability fine tunes gene expression in the developing cortex to control neurogenesis. PLoS Biology. 23(2): e3003031. 2025. [Article] [BioRxiv Version]
  • Mosti F, Hoye ML, Escobar-Tomlienovich CF, Silver DL. Multi-modal investigation reveals pathogenic features of diverse DDX3X missense mutations. PLoS Genetics. 21(1): e1011555. 2025. PMID: 39836689. [Article]


  • Moss ND, Lollis D, Silver DL. How our brains are built: emerging approaches to understand human-specific features. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 2024. PMID: 39549607. Invited review article. [Article]
  • Alsina FC, Lupan BM, Lin LJ, Manso Musso C, Mosti F, Newman, CR, Wood LM, Suzuki A, Agostino M, Moore JK, Silver DL. The RNA-binding protein EIF4A3 promotes axon development by direct control of the cytoskeleton. Cell Reports. Sep 24;43(9):114666. 2024. PMID: 3918224. [Article] [BioRxiv Version]
  • Liu JMosti FZhao HSotelo-Fonseca JEscobar-Tomlienovich CLollis DManso Musso CMao YMassri ADoll HSousa AWray GASchmidt ESilver DL. A human-specific enhancer fine-tunes radial glia potency and corticogenesis. B
  • Jowhar Z, Xu A, Venkataramanan S, Hoye ML, Silver DL, Floor SN, Calviello L. A ubiquitous GC content signature underlies multimodal mRNA regulation by DDX3X. Molecular Systems Biology. 2024. PMID: 38273160. [Article] [BioRxiv Version]


  • Sozen B, Flavell RA, Lamming DW, Silver DL, Parrinello S, Abate-Shen C, Michor F, Sankaran VG. What approaches are needed to understand human development and disease? Developmental Cell. Dec 18;58(24):2822-2825. 2023. Invited Perspective article.
  • Musso, C, Lupan, B, and Silver, DL“Posttranscriptional control of cortical development.” In Neocortical Neurogenesis in Development and Evolution. Wiley. Editor (Wieland Huttner).
  • Lupan BM, Solecki RA, Musso CM, Alsina FC, and Silver DL. The exon junction complex component EIF4A3 is essential for mouse and human cortical progenitor mitosis and neurogenesis. Development. 150 (10): dev201619. 2023. PMID: 37139782. [Article] [BioRxiv Version]
    • Featured in a preview in the same issue, “Of mice and men: a conserved role for EIF4A3 in neurogenesis” [Preview]
  • Pilaz LJ, Liu J, Joshi K, Tsunekawa Y, Musso CMM, D’Arcy BR, Suzuki IK, Alsina FC, Pratiksha KC, Sethi S, Vanderhaeghen P, Polleux F, Silver DL. Subcellular mRNA localization and local translation of Arhgap11a in radial glial cells regulates cortical development. Neuron, Mar 15; 111, 1-18. 2023. PMID: 36924763. [Article] [BioRxiv Version]
    • Featured as Cover image
  • D’Arcy BR, Lennox AL, Musso CM, Bracher A, Escobar-Tomlienovich C, Perez-Sanchez S, and Silver DL. Subcellular proteome of radial glia reveals non-muscle myosins control basal endfeet to mediate interneuron organization. PLOS Biology, Feb 28; 21(2):e3001926. 2023. PMID: 36854011. [Article] [BioRxiv Version]
    • Featured in a preview article in the same issue, “Non-muscle myosins control the integrity of cortical radial glial endfeet” PMID: 36854254. [Preview] AND Featured as Cover image.


  • Mangan RJ, Alsina FC*, Mosti F*, Sotel-Fonseca JE, Snelling DA, Au EH, Carvalho J, Sathyan L, Johnson GD, Reddy TE, Silver DL, and Lowe CB. Adaptive sequence divergence forged new neurodevelopmental enhancers in humans. Cell. 185:4587-4603. 2022. PMID: 36423581. *co-second authors [Article]
    • Featured in News and Views in Nature, “Fast-evolving genomic regions underlie human brain development” PMID: 36650388. [Preview]
  • Hoye ML, Calviello L, Poff AJ, Ejimogu N, Newman CR, Montgomery MD, Ou J, Floor SN, Silver DL. Aberrant cortical development is driven by impaired cell cycle and translational control in a DDX3X syndrome model. eLife. 2022. PMID: 35762573. [Article] [BioRxiv Version]
  • Serdar L, Musso C, and Silver DL, “Posttranscriptional gene regulation during cortical development.” In Neuroscience in the 21st Century: From Basic to Clincial (3rd edition), Springer. Editors (Donald Pfaff, Nora D. Volkow, John Rubenstein). 2022.


  • Liu J, Mosti F, and Silver DL. Human brain evolution: Emerging roles for regulatory DNA and RNA. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 71: 170-177. 2021. PMID: 34861533. Invited review article.[Article]
  • Mosti F, and Silver DL. Uncovering the HARbingers of human brain evolution, Neuron, Oct 20;109(20):3231-3233; 2021. PMID: 34672980. Invited Preview Article [Article]
  • Baldwin K. and Silver DL, Expanding Gliogenesis, Science, June 11; 372 (6547):1151-1152. 2021. PMID: 32273467. Invited Perspective article. [Article]
  • Liu J and Silver DL, Founder cells shape brain evolution, Cell,184(8):1965-1967. 2021. PMID: 33861961. Invited Preview article. [Article]


  • Lupan B and Silver DL. Evolution: Does more time buy more neurons? Current Biology, Nov 2. 30 (21): R1316-R1318. 2020. PMID: 33142101. Invited Dispatch. [Article]
  • Hoye ML and Silver DL. Decoding mixed messages in the developing cortex: Translational regulation of neural progenitor fate. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 66: 93-102. 2020. PMID: 33130411. Invited review article. [Article]
  • D’Arcy B and Silver DL. Local gene regulation in radial glia: Lessons from across the nervous system. Traffic. 21 (12): 737-748. 2020. PMID: 33058331. Invited review article. [Article]
  • Mitchell-Dick AM, Chalem A, Pilaz LJ, Silver DL. Acute lengthening of progenitor mitosis influences progeny fate during cortical development in vivo. Developmental Neuroscience. June 15:1-18. 2020. PMID: 32541147. [Article]
  • Huang Q, Cohen MA, Alsina FC, Devlin G, Garrett A, McKey J, Havlik P, Rakhilin N, Wang E, Xiang K, Mathews P, Wang L, Bock C, Ruthig V, Wang Y, Negrete M, Wong CW, Murthy PKL, Zhang S, Daniel AR, Kirsch DG, Kang Y, Capel C, Asokan A, Silver DL, Jaenisch R, Shen X. Intravital imaging of mouse embryos. Science. April 10; 368:181-186 2020. PMID: 32273467. [Article]
  • Lennox AL*, Hoye ML*, Jiang R, Johnson-Kerner BL, Suit L, Venkataramanan S, Sheehan CJ, Alsina FC, Fregeau B, Aldinger KA, Moey C, Lobach I, Afenjar A, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Bézieau S, Blackburn PR, Bunt J, Burglen L, Campeau PM, Charles P, Chung BHY, Cogné B, Curry C, D’Agostino MD, Di Donato N, Faivre L, Héron D, Innes AM, Isidor B, Keren B, Kimball A, Klee EW, Kuentz P, Küry S, Martin-Coignard D, Mirzaa G, Mignot C, Miyake N, Matsumoto N, Fujita A, Nava C, Nizon M, Rodriguez D, Blok LS, Thauvin-Robinet C, Thevenon J, Vincent M, Ziegler A, Dobyns W, Richards LJ, Barkovich AJ, Floor SN, Silver DL+, and Sherr EH+. Pathogenic DDX3X mutations impair RNA metabolism and neurogenesis during fetal cortical development. Neuron. May 6; 106, 404-420. 2020. PMID: 32135084. [Article] [BioRxiv Version]
    • Featured in a preview article in the same issue, “Unwind and relax: DDX3X RNA Helicase as a critical Mediator of Cortical neurogenesis” PMID: 32380046. [Preview]
  • Alsina F and Silver DL, “Post-transcriptional and translational control of neurogenesis: roles for RNA binding proteins”, in Patterning and Cell Type Specification in the Developing CNS and PNS (Second Edition). Elsevier. Editors (John Rubenstein and Pasko Rakic). 2020. Book chapter
  • Sheehan C, McMahon JJ, Serdar L, and Silver DL. Dosage dependent requirements of Magoh for cortical interneuron generation and survival. Development. Jan 13; 147(1) 2020. PMID: 31857347. [Article]
    • Featured in a preview article in the same issue, “Making interneurons with Magoh” [Preview] and People behind the Paper [Interview]


  • Silver DL, Rakic P, Grove EA, Haydar TF, Hensch TK, Huttner WB, Molnár Z, Rubenstein JL, Sestan N, Stryker MP, Sur M, Tosches MA, Walsh CA. “Evolution and Ontogenetic Development of Cortical Structures” in The Neocortex, ed. W. Singer, T. J. Sejnowski and P. Rakic. Pp. 61-93. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 27, J. R. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2019.
  • Alsina F and Silver DL. “Damage control in the developing brain: tradeoffs and consequences,” Trends in Neurosciences, October. 42 (10): 661-663. 2019. PMID: 31447171. Invited Spotlight. [Article]


  • Vitali I, Fièvre S, Telley L, Oberst P, Bariselli S, Frangeul L, Baumann N, McMahon JJ, Klingler E, Bocchi R, Kiss JZ, Bellone C, Silver DL, Jabaudon D. Progenitor Hyperpolarization Regulates the Sequential Generation of Neuronal Subtypes in the Developing Neocortex. Cell. Jul 19. 2018. PMID: 30057116. [Article]
  • Risher WC, Kim N, Koh S, Choi JE, Mitev P, Spence EF, Pilaz LJ, Wang D, Feng G, Silver DL, Soderling SH, Yin HH, Eroglu C. Thrombospondin receptor α2δ-1 promotes synaptogenesis and spinogenesis via postsynaptic Rac1. J Cell Biol. July 27. 2018. PMID: 30054448. [Article]
  • Mitchell C and Silver DL. Enhancing our brains: Genomic mechanisms underlying cortical evolution. Seminars Cell and Developmental Biology. April; 76:23-32. 2018. PMID: 28864345. [Review]
  • McFadden MJ, Mitchell-Dick A, Vazquez C, Roder AE, Labagnara KF, McMahon JJ, Silver DL, Horner SM. A Fluorescent Cell-Based System for Imaging Zika Virus Infection in Real-Time. Viruses. Feb. 2018. PMID: 29495257. [Article]
  • Lennox AL, Mao H, and Silver DL. RNA on the brain: emerging layers of post-transcriptional regulation in cerebral cortex development. WIRES-Developmental Biology. Jan; 7(1) 2018. PMID: 28837264. [Review]


  • Miller EE, Kobayashi GS, Musso CM, Allen M, Ishiy FA, de Caires Junior LC, Guimarães ES, Griesi-Oliveira K, Zechi-Ceide RM, Richieri-Costa A, Bertola DR, Passos-Bueno MR, Silver DL. EIF4A3 deficient human iPSCs and mouse models demonstrate neural crest defects that underlie Richieri-Costa-Pereira Syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics. Mar 2 2017. PMID: 28334780. [Article]
  • Pilaz LJ, Silver DL. Moving messages in the developing brain-emerging roles for mRNA transport and local translation in neural stem cells. FEBS Letters. Mar 17. 2017. PMID: 28304078. [Review]
    • Featured on Cover Issue
  • Mao H, Brown HE and Silver DL. Mouse models of Casc3 reveal developmental functions distinct from other components of the exon junction complex. RNA. Online Oct 25. Print Jan. 2017. PMID: 27780844. [Article]


  • Pilaz LJ, Lennox A, Rouanet J, and Silver DL. Dynamic RNA transport and local translation in radial glial progenitors of the developing brain. Current Biology. Dec. 19. 2016. PMID: 27916527. [Article]
    • Featured in a preview article in the same issue, “RNA transport: From Head to toe in Radial glia cells.” PMID: 27997841. [Preview]
  • Roko-Rasin M and Silver DL. The crossroads of RNA regulation and function in neurodevelopment. Int J Dev Neurosci. Dec;55:101. 2016. PMID: 27932086. [Review]
  • McMahon JJ, Miller EE, and Silver DL. The exon junction complex in neural development and neurodevelopmental disease. Int J Dev Neurosci. Apr 9. 2016. PMID: 27071691. [Review]
  • Mao H, McMahon JJ, Tsai YH, Wang Z, and Silver DL. Haploinsufficiency for core exon junction complex components disrupts embryonic neurogenesis and causes p53-mediated microcephaly. PLoS Genetics. Sept 12. 2016. PMID: 27618312. [Article]
  • Pilaz LJ, McMahon JJ, Miller EE, Lennox AL, Suzuki A, Salmon E, and Silver DL. Prolonged mitosis of neural progenitors alters cell fate in the developing brain. Neuron, online January 6. 2016. PMID: 26748089. [Article]
  • Singh SK, Stogsdill JA, Pulimood NS, Dingsdale H, Kim YH, Pilaz LJ, Kim IH, Manhaes AC, Rodrigues WS Jr, Pamukcu A, Enustun E, Ertuz Z, Scheiffele P, Soderling SH, Silver DL, Ji RR, Medina AE, Eroglu C. Astrocytes Assemble Thalamocortical Synapses by Bridging NRX1α and NL1 via Hevin. Cell. Jan 14. 2016. PMID: 26771491. [Article]
  • Silver DL. Genomic divergence and brain evolution: How regulatory DNA influences development of the cerebral cortex. Bioessays, Feb;38(2): 162-71. 2016. PMID: 26642006. [Review]


  • Pilaz LJ and Silver DL. Post-transcriptional regulation in corticogenesis: how RNA-binding proteins help build the brain. WIREs RNA, June 18. 2015. PMID: 26088328. [Review]
  • Mao H, Pilaz LJ, McMahon JJ, Golzio C, Wu D, Shi L, Katsanis N, and Silver DL. Rbm8a haploinsufficiency disrupts embryonic cortical development resulting in Microcephaly. The Journal of Neuroscience, May 6, 2015. PMID: 25948253. [Article]
    • Featured on Journal cover and News and Views in same issue. [Preview]
  • Boyd JL, Skove SL, Rouanet JP, Pilaz LJ, Bepler T, Gordan R, Wray GA, and Silver DL. Human-Chimpanzee Differences in a FZD8 Enhancer alter cell-cycle dynamics in the developing neocortex. Current Biology, March 16; 2015. PMID: 25702574. [Article]


  • Risher WC, Patel S, Kim IH, Uezu A, Bhagat S, Wilton DK, Pilaz LJ, Singh Alvarado J, Calhan OY, Silver DL, Stevens B, Calakos N, Soderling SH, Eroglu C. Astrocytes refine cortical connectivity at dendritic spines. eLife Dec 2014. PMID: 25517933. [Article]
  • Pilaz LJ and Silver DL. Live imaging of mitosis in the developing mouse embryonic cortex. JoVE. June 4; 2014. PMID: 24961595. [Article]
  • McMahon JJ, Shi L, and Silver DL. Generation of a Magoh conditional allele in mice. Genesis. April 27; 2014. PMID: 24771530. [Article]


  • Ruzzo EK, Capo-Chichi JM, Ben-Zeev B, Chitayat D, Mao H, Pappas AL, Hitomi Y, Lu YF, Yao X, Hamdan FF, Jiang YH, Wetsel WC, McNamara JO, Rouleau GA, Silver DL, Lancet D, Pras E, Mitchell GA, Michaud JL, Goldstein DB. Deficiency of asparagine synthetase causes congenital microcephaly and a progressive form of encephalopathy. Neuron 80(2):429-41. 2013. PMID: 24139043. [Article]
  • Silver DL+, Leeds KE, Hwang HW, Miller EE, and Pavan WJ+. The EJC component Magoh regulates proliferation and expansion of neural crest-derived melanocytes. Developmental Biology. March 15; 375 (2): 172-181. 2013. PMID: 23333945. +co-corresponding authors. [Article]
    • Featured on cover


  • Silver DL, Watkins-Chow D, Schreck K, Pierfelice T, Larson DM, Burnetti A, Liaw H, Myung K, Walsh CA, Gaiano N, and Pavan WJ. The exon junction complex component, Magoh, controls brain size by regulating neural stem cell division. Nature Neuroscience. May; 13(5)551-558 2010. PMID: 20364144. [Article]
    • Featured in News and Views in the same issue, “Regulating Brain Size” [Preview]

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