Producer’s Choice


Pieces made by students on, you guessed it, the topic or theme of their choice 


Holy Ghost(s), by Jon Arp

Dickerson Chapel and St. Matthew’s Episcopal church sit across town and across racial divides. Finding common ground, for these two churches, at least, has meant finding common musical ground. And confronting the ghosts of the past has allowed space for a Holy Ghost choir.


War Story, by John Bechtold

A father and daughter talk briefly about his war experience.


Gay and Greek, by Isabel Callaway

LBTQ communities preach inclusivity, while fraternities and sororities thrive on exclusivity. Is it possible to be a part of both worlds? Duke students John McCrossan, Tyler Nelson, Savannah Story, and Emma Jane Proctor share their stories.


Last Visit to Hartman Road, by Rachel Gelfand

How do we say goodbye to childhood spaces? Rachel Gelfand grew up going across town to the home of her grandparents, Hana and Edgar Krasa, who are Czech and Holocaust survivors. Their son Dani Krasa was Rachel’s known donor. He is her biological father but he did not raise her. Rachel was raised by her lesbian mothers across town. Yet, she spent a great deal of time in Hana and Edgar’s house for holidays and birthdays. How are homes museums and spaces of healing? What are the lineages of displacement in the Krasas’ family history? This piece lingers a little bit here in the house where Hana and Edgar finally put down roots, and thinks through how it remains haunted by Palestinian loss.


Grief, Legacy, and Cookies, by Alex Gonzalez

Laura Conte met Milton Brasher-Cunningham at a moment of transition: she was getting a divorce, had just moved to a new city, and was trying to find a way to reinvent herself. When she befriended Milton she not only entered into an exciting project baking cookies, but she also found a friend that helped fill the hole created after her divorce. Now Milton has moved away and Laura is facing another moment of transition.


Leaders and Readers of Rogers Road, by Olivia Linn

Various studies show that the physical environment in which kids live and learn has a big impact on their success. The historically black Rogers Road community in Chapel Hill, NC, provides a poignant case study: A landfill opened there in 1972 has had far-reaching effects on the town’s residents. But through a tutoring and mentorship program, the RENA community center is fighting back.


Working at Marketplace, by Sam Turken

When you think of employees at a university, professors and administrators probably come to mind. But what about the people who clean the dorms, work in the cafeterias and mow the lawns? Here is a glimpse at what two workers at Duke University’s Marketplace think of their jobs and the challenges they face.