Short docs produced as complements to print articles in Duke Magazine
The Superpredator, by Haley Amster
When it comes to dangerous animals, it’s us or them. Or so some people think. This piece explores the tumultuous relationship between humans and other predatory animals, and the implications of developments for the future. [Magazine theme: Nature.] (Poem: A Minor Bird, by Robert Frost)
Who is John Danowski? by Cassie Calvert
John Danowski took the helm of the Duke Men’s Lacrosse program in the wake of a national scandal in 2006. Under his tenure, the program won three national championships in five years and has consistently led the ACC in All-Conference Academic honorees. But who is John Danowski? Three of his senior players, attack Case Matheis and midfielders Myles Jones and Greg Rhodes, as well as Danowski himself, tell us in their own words. [Theme: Duke lacrosse scandal, 2006-7]
Race to the Bottom, by Daniel MacDonald
Four Duke students discuss the culture surround busyness at Duke. Seniors Dave Stewart, Michaela Fallon, and Fred Heller, and Junior Steven Katsohirakis offer their opinions on the competition between Duke students to have the most packed schedule. [Theme: Busy at Duke]
Why are Duke Students So Busy? by Bella Onwumbiko
Sleeplessness is becoming a major issue on Duke’s campuses. Two seniors and a sophomore sit down to explore the importance of sleep, dreams, and motivation. [Theme: Busy at Duke]
Discussing the Other Side of Nature, by Jazmynne Williams
Randi Griffin, a sophomore, discusses his environment at Duke and at home, and how he feels about being on campus.