Kevin Shang
Joseph J. Ruvane, Jr. Professor
Professor of Operations Management
- Huang, J., K. Shang, Y. Yang, W. Zhou. 2024. Data-driven optimal and myopic policies for inventory systems with demand covariates. Working Paper, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.
- Kao, Y.-M., B. Keskin, K. Shang. 2022. Bayesian dynamic pricing and subscription period selection with unknown customer utility. Working Paper, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.
- Shang, K., J.-S. Song, S. Zhou. 2023. Single-stage approximations of multiechelon inventory models. Chapter 8 in Research Handbook on Inventory Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Shang, K., J.-S. Song. 2023. Inventory models with financial flows. Chapter 12 in Research Handbook on Inventory Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Huang, J.-K., K. Shang, Y. Yang, W. Zhou, D. Li. 2024. Taylor approximation of inventory policies for one-warehouse multi-retailer systems with demand feature information. Forthcoming in Management Science.
- Lin, C.-A., K. Shang, P. Sun. 2023. Wait time based pricing for queues with customer-chosen service times. Management Science 69(4) 2127-2146.
- Kao, Y.-M., B. Keskin, K. Shang. 2022. Impact of information asymmetry and capacity constraints on business interruption insurance. Management Science 68(4) 2824-2841.
- Kok, G., K. Shang, S. Yucel. 2020. Capacity investments in renewable and conventional energy sources: The role of operational flexibility. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22(5) 925-941.
- Shang, K. 2019. Cash Beer Game. Foundations and TrendsĀ® in Technology, Information and Operations Management 12(2-3) 173-188.
- Luo, W., K. Shang. 2019. Technical Note: Managing inventory for firms with trade credit and deficit penalty. Operations Research 67(2) 468-478.
- Kok, G., K. Shang, S. Yucel. 2018. Impact of electricity pricing policies on renewable energy investments and carbon emissions. Management Science 64(1) 131-148.
- Chen, L., W. Luo, K. Shang. 2017. Measuring the bullwhip effect: Discrepancy and alignment between information and material flows. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19(1) 36-51.
- Bernstein, F., Y. Li, K. Shang. 2016. A simple heuristic for joint inventory and pricing models with lead time and backorders. Management Science 62(8) 2358-2373
- Luo, W., K. Shang. 2015. Joint inventory and cash management for multi-divisional supply chains. Operations Research 63(5) 1098-1116.
- Shang, K., Z. Tao, S. Zhou. 2015. Optimizing reorder intervals for two-echelon distribution systems with stochastic demand. Operations Research 63(2) 458-475.
- Kok, G., K. Shang. 2014. Evaluation of supply chains with cycle-count policies and implications on IT investments. European Journal of Operational Research 237 91-105.
- Shang, K. 2012. Single-stage approximations for optimal policies in serial inventory systems with non-stationary demand. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 14 414-422.
- Shang, K. 2011. Simple heuristics for optimal inventory policies in supply chains. Chapter 7 in Tutorials in Operations Research, INFORMS. [Slides] [Video]
- Shang, K., S. Zhou, G.-J. van Houtum. 2010. Improving supply chain performance: real-time demand information and flexible deliveries. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 12 430-448.
- Shang, K., S. Zhou. 2010. Optimal and heuristic echelon (r,nQ,T) policies in serial inventory systems with fixed costs. Operations Research 58 414-427.
- Shang, K., S. Zhou. 2009. A simple heuristic for echelon (r,nQ,T) policies in serial supply chains. Operations Research Letters 37 433-437.
- Shang, K., J.-S. Song, P. Zipkin. 2009. Coordination mechanisms in decentralized serial inventory systems with batch ordering. Management Science 55 685-695.
- Shang, K. 2008. Note: A simple heuristic for serial inventory systems with fixed order costs. Operations Research 56 1039-1043.
- Kok, G., K. Shang. 2007. Inspection and replenishment policies for systems with inventory record inaccuracy. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9 185-205.
- Shang, K., J.-S. Song. 2007. Supply chains with economies of scale: bounds and approximations. Operations Research 55 843-853.
- Shang, K., J.-S. Song. 2006. A closed-form approximation for serial inventory systems and its application to system design. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 8 394-406.
- Shang, K., J.-S. Song. 2003. Newsvendor bounds and heuristic for optimal inventory policies in serial supply chains. Management Science 49 618-638.
- Boyaci, T., G. Gallego, K. Shang, J.-S. Song. 2003. Erratum to bounds in “serial production/inventory systems under service constraints”. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 5 372-374.
- Kiang, M., K. Shang. 2001. Online purchase decision and its implication on e-tailing strategies. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science 212-217.
- Kiang, M., T. Raghu, K. Shang. 2000. Marketing on the Internet-who can benefit from an on-line marketing approach?. Decision Support Systems 27 383-393.