
Kevin Shang
Joseph J. Ruvane, Jr. Professor
Professor of Operations Management

  • First Prize, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM) Student Paper Competition, INFORMS, 2001

    • ​Title: “Newsvendor Bounds and Heuristic for Optimal Inventory Policies in Serial Supply Chains”

  • Honorable Mention, Junior Faculty Interest Group Paper Competition, INFORMS, 2005

    • Title: “Inspection and Replenishment Policies for Systems with Inventory Record Inaccuracy”

  • Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2007

  • First Prize, The Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering Best Paper Award, 2012

    • Title: “Integrating Inventory Replenishment and Cash Payment Decisions in Supply Chains”

  • Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2012

  • Award for Innovation and Excellence in Core Course Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2013, Daytime MBA program

  • Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Wei Luo, Second Prize, College of Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2013

    • Title: “Integrating Inventory Replenishment and Cash Payment Decisions in Supply Chains”

  • Second Prize, Li & Fung Best Paper Competition at the International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM), 2013

    • Title: “Integrating Inventory Replenishment and Cash Payment Decisions in Supply Chains”

  • Honorable Mention, The Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering Best Paper Award, 2013

    • Title: “Managing Inventory Systems with Trade Credit and Payment Defaults”

  • Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2013

  • Second Prize, The Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering Best Paper Award, 2014

    • Title: “Measuring the Bullwhip Effect with Material Flow Data: Biases and Remedies”

  • Nominee for Innovation and Excellence in Core Course Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2015, Daytime MBA program

  • Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Safak Yucel, Winner, Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment Sector of INFORMS, 2015

    • Title: “Impact of Electricity Pricing Policy on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions”

  • Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Safak Yucel, Finalist for MSOM Student paper Competition of INFORMS, 2015

    • Title: “Impact of Electricity Pricing Policy on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions”

  • Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Safak Yucel, First Prize, College of Sustainable Operations, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2016

    • Title: “Investments in Renewable and Conventional Energy: The Role of Operational Flexibility”

  • Award for innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2017, Master of Management Studies: DKU Program

  • Award for innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2018, Master of Quantitative Management Program

  • Instructional Innovation Award of the 2019 Decision Sciences Institute Conference

    • Title: Supply Chain Simulation Games: The Beer Game and Cash Beer Game

  • Award for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2020, Master of Quantitative Management.

  • Distinguished Professorship: Joseph J. Ruvane, Jr. Professor

  • Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Chen-An Lin, Honorable Mention, College of Sustainable Operations, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2021

    • Title: “Wait Time Based Pricing for Queues with Customer-Chosen Service Times”

  • Winner, Best Management Science Paper in OM, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society of INFORMS, 2021

    • Title: “Impact of Electricity Pricing Policy on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions”
  • Supervised Student Paper Award, First Place, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) International Conference in China, 2022
    • Title: “Taylor Approximation of Inventory Policies for One-Warehouse, Multi-Retailer Systems with Demand Feature Information”
  • Finalist, Best Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Paper Award, INFORMS, 2022.
    • Title: “Investments in renewable and conventional energy: The role of operational flexibility.”
  • Winner, the ENRE Best Publication Award in the Area of Environment and Sustainability, Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment Section of INFORMS. 2022.
    • Title: “Investments in renewable and conventional energy: The role of operational flexibility.”