Kevin Shang
Joseph J. Ruvane, Jr. Professor
Professor of Operations Management
First Prize, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM) Student Paper Competition, INFORMS, 2001
Title: “Newsvendor Bounds and Heuristic for Optimal Inventory Policies in Serial Supply Chains”
Honorable Mention, Junior Faculty Interest Group Paper Competition, INFORMS, 2005
Title: “Inspection and Replenishment Policies for Systems with Inventory Record Inaccuracy”
Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2007
First Prize, The Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering Best Paper Award, 2012
Title: “Integrating Inventory Replenishment and Cash Payment Decisions in Supply Chains”
Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2012
Award for Innovation and Excellence in Core Course Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2013, Daytime MBA program
Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Wei Luo, Second Prize, College of Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2013
Title: “Integrating Inventory Replenishment and Cash Payment Decisions in Supply Chains”
Second Prize, Li & Fung Best Paper Competition at the International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM), 2013
Title: “Integrating Inventory Replenishment and Cash Payment Decisions in Supply Chains”
Honorable Mention, The Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering Best Paper Award, 2013
Title: “Managing Inventory Systems with Trade Credit and Payment Defaults”
Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2013
Second Prize, The Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering Best Paper Award, 2014
Title: “Measuring the Bullwhip Effect with Material Flow Data: Biases and Remedies”
Nominee for Innovation and Excellence in Core Course Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2015, Daytime MBA program
Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Safak Yucel, Winner, Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment Sector of INFORMS, 2015
Title: “Impact of Electricity Pricing Policy on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions”
Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Safak Yucel, Finalist for MSOM Student paper Competition of INFORMS, 2015
Title: “Impact of Electricity Pricing Policy on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions”
Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Safak Yucel, First Prize, College of Sustainable Operations, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2016
Title: “Investments in Renewable and Conventional Energy: The Role of Operational Flexibility”
Award for innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2017, Master of Management Studies: DKU Program
Award for innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2018, Master of Quantitative Management Program
Instructional Innovation Award of the 2019 Decision Sciences Institute Conference
Title: Supply Chain Simulation Games: The Beer Game and Cash Beer Game
Award for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching, Fuqua School of Business, 2020, Master of Quantitative Management.
Distinguished Professorship: Joseph J. Ruvane, Jr. Professor
Supervised Student Paper Competition Award, Chen-An Lin, Honorable Mention, College of Sustainable Operations, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2021
Title: “Wait Time Based Pricing for Queues with Customer-Chosen Service Times”
Winner, Best Management Science Paper in OM, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society of INFORMS, 2021
- Title: “Impact of Electricity Pricing Policy on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions”
- Supervised Student Paper Award, First Place, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) International Conference in China, 2022
- Title: “Taylor Approximation of Inventory Policies for One-Warehouse, Multi-Retailer Systems with Demand Feature Information”
- Finalist, Best Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Paper Award, INFORMS, 2022.
- Title: “Investments in renewable and conventional energy: The role of operational flexibility.”
- Winner, the ENRE Best Publication Award in the Area of Environment and Sustainability, Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment Section of INFORMS. 2022.
- Title: “Investments in renewable and conventional energy: The role of operational flexibility.”