Duke Environment Magazine recently featured RESILE Faculty Affiliate Brian Silliman in its article, “Restoring Hope: Innovating Conservation for a Sustainable Tomorrow.”
Brian Silliman, is the Rachel Carson Distinguished Professor of Marine Conservation Biology and is the founder of transdisciplinary initiative Duke Restore.
Per the article, “Duke Restore, a transdisciplinary initiative begun by Silliman in 2019, has now drawn more than 90 Nicholas School students and professors into teams dedicated to rebuilding and replenishing depleted habitats using methods that work with, rather than against, nature. It is a form of conservation focused on advancing the field of ecosystem restoration to enhance resilience of the natural world and of the communities that inhabit it.”
Be sure to watch Duke Environment’s interview of Brian Silliman at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SdMpTxTk1s&list=PLQuQhkUUJO7ShT-HFWE28CJepR5uoMqKf&index=1&t=0s&pp=gAQBiAQB.