University of California – Berkeley

Repository description: The Regional Oral History Office at the University of California – Berkeley has collected more than 4,000 oral histories since 1954. Projects have spanned a wide array of topics, from medicine and technology to government and the arts, but many of them have a focus on the West and California specifically.

Regulatory significance: This is one of the most significant repositories of oral histories related to regulation—particularly business and environmental regulation—that also provides online access to the bulk of its collection. In addition to the projects listed below, see the complete subject listing.

Relevant projects:
Interviews on Business History
California and Regional Land-Use Planning
Interviews on Agricultural History
Interviews on California Water Resources
Ronald Reagan Gubernatorial Era
Slaying the Dragon of Debt

Digital access: Most of these projects provide online access to complete interview transcripts.

Physical access: Audio, transcripts, and other archived materials from these oral histories are available at the Regional Oral History Office in the Bancroft Library at UC-Berkeley, California.


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