Gerald Ford Library

The Ford Library houses several oral history projects including the Gerald Ford Library Oral History Project, 1981-Present. These interviews are not sufficiently described online to determine if they have significant regulation-related content.  Interviewees include the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Transportation, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Secretary of the Interior, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Commerce. These interviews likely include discussions relevant to regulation.

Within the manuscript collections, the John Robson Papers, 1970-93, contains an interview transcript entitled “The Move to Airline Deregulation: Perspective of Former CAB Chairman John E. Robson.” The William E. Simon microfiche of papers, 1972-1977, housed at the Lafayette College Library but linked from the Ford Library, include an extensive oral history interview (1000+ pages) with the former Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury. Neither of these transcripts are available online.

Summary by:  Elizabeth Brake

Containerization Oral History Collection

Project description: This project involved about a dozen interviewees involved in the process of containerization: standardizing shipping crates to fit a variety of transportation methods and pack in more efficient ways. Interviews were conducted by Arthur Donovan, who wrote a book on the subject.

Regulatory significance: Uncertain, as the interviews are not available online, but this collection likely speaks to standard setting in both public and private contexts. Container disparities in size, shape, and material have been considered a non-tariff barrier to trade, and the process of standardizing containers facilitated globalization.

RepositoryNational Museum of American History

Interview dates: 1995-1998

Digital access: No online access.

Physical access: Holdings are available to researchers at the Archives Center of the National Museum of American History, in Washington, DC.

LinkURL for catalog description