Farm Organizations Oral History Project

Project description: Interviews discuss federal farm agencies, especially the Production and Marketing Administration and the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service as well as farm organizations, including the Farm Bureau.

Regulatory significance: This collection likely addresses a broad range of agricultural regulation. A fuller appraisal is required to determine the regulatory significance of this collection. Please leave a comment below if you have used this collection.

RepositoryUniversity of Kentucky

Digital access: Only brief abstracts available online.

Physical access: For access to transcripts and audio, visit the Special Collections Library at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky.


Interviews on Agricultural History

Project description: This is the catch all for interviews housed at the Regional Oral History Office (ROHO) at UC – Berkeley related to agricultural history in California. For more on agricultural regulation in California from ROHO, see the project Reminiscences on People and Change in California Agriculture, 1900-1975.

Regulatory significance: Some interviews discuss state and federal agriculture, natural resource, and conservation policies and programs. Interviewees include AAA officials, land owners, farmers, and participants in local soil conservation and irrigation districts. See especially interviews on the AAA and cotton with Wofford Camp and Cully Cobb.

RepositoryUniversity of California – Berkeley

Interview dates: 1955 – 2003

Digital access: Transcripts for these interviews are available online.

Physical access: For access to all transcripts and audio, visit the Bancroft Library at UC-Berkeley, California.
