Mining Engineers Project

Project description: Brief interviews with notable mining engineers on salient phases of their careers. Consultants and executives of companies in widely scattered areas from Alaska to South Africa, they also provide information on the discovery and exploration of new mines.

Regulatory significance: This project appears to have only marginal regulatory significance, but some interviews potentially involve mining regulation of labor and environmental conditions. Researchers interested in issues of transnational regulation and regulatory pluralism may find value in some interviews involving mine exploration and contracts outside the U.S. Given the focus on engineering, interviews might involve issues of private regulation, particularly concerning standardization. Finally, at least one interview involves the Foreign Economic Administration and resource management during World War II.

RepositoryColumbia Center for Oral History

Interview dates: Circa 1961

Digital access: Only abstracts. No online transcripts or audio.

Physical access: For transcripts and audio, researchers may visit the Columbia Center for Oral History.


Interviewees: Robert Annan; John Baragwanath; Alan Bateman; Arthur Bunker; Henry Carlisle; Louis Cates; Cleveland Dodge; John Gustafson; David Irwin; Ira B. Joralemon; James Knapp; Robert Koenig; Lewis Levensaler; Jaffet Lindberg; Donald McLoughlin; W. W. Mein; Reno Sales; Henry DeWitt Smith; Comar Wilson; William E. Wrather.

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