California State University – Fullerton

Repository description: The Center for Oral and Public History at California State University, Fullerton has collected more than 5,000 interviews since 1968, when students helped push for an oral history program. Though much of the collection focuses on southern California and community histories, it also has numerous projects related to other areas of the U.S. west.

Regulatory significance: Researchers interested in local regulation of business and land use development as well as those interested in environmental and labor regulation will find several relevant projects.

Relevant projects:
Colorado Coal Mining Project
Brea-Olinda Community History
Kaiparowits Power Project in southeastern Utah
Various other community history projects

Digital access: Very little of the collection is available online in the form of either transcript or audio. Relatively few project abstracts are currently available, but more of them should be by the end of 2013. Researchers should call for more information; transcript pdfs are made and e-mailed for a small fee.

Physical access: All materials are available at the Cal State Fullerton library, Fullerton, California.


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