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John Rawls Lab

Duke University
213 Research Drive
Box 3580 DUMC
CARL Building Room 327
Durham, NC 27710
(919)-613-7212 (John)
(919)-660-0893 (Lab Manager)
(919)-684-5458 (Fax)
(919)-660-0894 (Lab)
(919)-660-3968 (Fish Room)


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For short term parking when visiting the Rawls lab use the
Research Drive parking deck
or Parking Garage II
Both are located off Erwin Drive.

Prospective Postdoctoral Associates
Please send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three personal references to Dr. Rawls.

Prospective Graduate Students
Dr. Rawls is affiliated with the Program in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Program in Cell and Molecular BiologyUniversity Program in Genetics and Genomics, and Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Program. Prospective graduate students should apply to one of these programs.