Expected Value and Mean Error

Let \(X\) be a random variable with \(\mu_1=\mathbf{E}(X)\) and \(\mu_2=\mathbf{E}(X^2)\). For any number \(a\) define the mean squared error

\[J(a)=\mathbf{E}\big[(X-a)^2\big] \]

and the absolute error

\[K(a)=\mathbf{E}\big[|X-a|\big] \]

  1. Write \(J(a)\) in terms of  \(a\), \(\mu_1\), and \(\mu_2\) ?
  2. Use the above answer to calculate \(\frac{d J(a)}{d\, a}\) .
  3. Find the \(a\) which is the  solution to \(\frac{d J(a)}{d\, a}=0 ?\) Comment on this answer in light of the name  “Expected Value” and argue that it is actually a minimum.
  4. Assume that \(X\) only takes values \(\{x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n\}\).  Use the fact that
    \[ \frac{d\ }{d a} |x-a| = \begin{cases} -1 & \text{if \(a < x\)}\\
    1 & \text{if \(a > x\)}\end{cases}
    to show that as long as \(a \not\in \{x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n\}\) one has
    \[ \frac{d K(a)}{d\, a} =\mathbf{P}(X<a) – \mathbf{P}(X>a)\]
  5. Now show that if \( a \in (x_k,x_{k+1})\) then \(\mathbf{P}(X<a) – \mathbf{P}(X>a) = 2\mathbf{P}(X \leq x_k) – 1\).
  6. The median is any point \(a\) so that both  \(\mathbf{P}(X\leq a) \geq \frac12 \) and \(\mathbf{P}(X\geq a) \geq\frac12\). Give an example where the median is not unique. (That is to say there is more than one such \(a\).
  7. Use the above calculations  to show that if \(a\) is any median (not equal to one of the \(x_k\)), then it solves  \(\frac{d K(a)}{d\, a} =0\) and that it is a minimizer.


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