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Conditional Variance

Given two random variables, we define the conditional variance of \(X\) given \(Y\) by

\[  \text{Var}(X | Y ) = E(X^2 | Y ) – (\,E(X | Y )\,)^2  \]

Show that

\[ \text{Var}(X ) = E (\text{Var}(X | Y )  ) +\text{Var}( E(X | Y ) )  \,. \]

Of course \( E(X | Y )\) is just  random variable so we have that

\[ \text{Var}( E(X | Y ) ) = E [\,E(X | Y )^2\,] – [\,E(\,E(X | Y )\,)\,]^2    \]

also is is useful to recall that \(E(E(X | Y ))= E(X )\).
