For Researchers

POMMS and Your Research

The Pediatric Obesity Microbiome & Metabolism Study is part of the NIDDK-sponsored project entitled, ” A comprehensive research resource to define mechanisms underlying regulation of host metabolism in pediatric obesity and obesity-targeted therapeutics” (R24-DK110492).  We have developed a biorepository resource that contains microbiome and metabolism-relevant samples from well-characterized adolescents with obesity undergoing different types of weight loss therapies.  To complement the biorepository, we have performed multiple types of gut microbiome analysis including marker gene and shotgun DNA sequencing.  We have also performed targeted metabolomic analyses on serum.   We are making available to investigators samples and data to facilitate relevant collaborative and independent research efforts.

POMMS incorporates a potent translational platform, in which we have combined the multidisciplinary expertise of our team to elucidate the mechanisms through which the gut microbiome complements and hinders weight loss therapies.

Researcher Resources:

Access the POMMS Biorepository

Collaborate with our team

Publications from this project

Our Standard Operating Procedures

More information about this study’s observational trial and biorepository at

2019 Pediatric Obesity Microbiome and Metabolism Mini-Symposium

2018 Pediatric Obesity Microbiome and Metabolism Mini-Symposium