All content for the web site is coming together as we draw closer to go-live. As a reminder, the 5 main categories of content include:
- Research (completed – pending review)
- Education (under review)
- Patient Care (completed)
- Faculty (completed)
- About Us and Links (completed)
The project team expects a number of content additions once we go-live. Again, the infrastructure of the web site is such that it is easy to maintain. However, we will implement a change management process to ensure that new and updated content follows standards to keep consistent with the overall theme of the web site.
Additionally, this week we partnered with our developer, PivotPoint Media, to build a library of pictures that will be updated on the web site. We have a number of Ortho clinical, OR, GME and DPT photos from Duke Photography. As the compiled content is updated to the new site, the designer will work with our library of pictures to strategically place throughout the site.
Lastly, our original go-live was targeted for 11/2. After much discussion from the project team and Ortho management, we have decided to unveil the new site on 11/16. This will allow 2/weeks of testing and content preview from our faculty leads and content providers.