Lou DeFrate receives 2016 Kappa Delta Young Investigator Award

Submitted by Dr. Farsh Guilak, PhD

Lou DeFrateCongratulations to Lou DeFrate for winning the 2016 Kappa Delta Young Investigator Award from the AAOS! This is an outstanding achievement, and I’m sure you would agree that he is most deserving of the highest honor given for orthopaedic research.

The work presented in his award paper focuses on his highly novel and clinically relevant analysis of the deformation of the ACL in vivo.   These studies represent some of the most exciting and high-impact breakthrough in biomechanics, allowing for the measurement of in vivo strains in a non-invasive manner for the first time. This technique has tremendous relevance both to a basic understanding of injury risk to the ACL, as well as to the understanding and improvement of surgical techniques for ACL reconstruction.   For example, his work has provided the first quantitative understanding of the influence of ACL surgical reconstruction technique on joint kinematics, cartilage strain and wear, and ACL deformation in vivo.

These studies have revealed that different surgical techniques can have a major influence on restoring normal joint function, thus providing a rational means of evaluating and improving ACL reconstruction surgery. Given the recent literature questioning the ability of ACL reconstruction to prevent long term degenerative changes in the joint, this work has the potential to have a great impact on how ACL injuries are treated surgically. Based on these studies, our surgeons have altered how they perform ACL reconstructions in their clinical practice. I foresee that other studies, based on the methods that Lou has developed, will be applied a number of different orthopaedic surgery techniques to further assess and improve their functional outcomes.

Please join me in congratulating Lou and his research group!

Orthopaedic Faculty Promotions

Congratulations to the following Orthopaedic Surgery Faculty with their recent promotions:



Louis Edwin DeFrate, Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery, with tenure, effective January 1, 2016



Michael Bolognesi


Michael Paul Bolognesi, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery to Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, with tenure, effective December 1, 2015

Duke Ortho Raleigh and Piedmont Spine join the Movember Campaign

Duke Ortho Raleigh and Piedmont Spine are showing off their mustaches for a good cause called Movember. The project is a local and global effort to raise money for research into prostate cancer, one of the leading causes of death in men.
L to R: Don O'Malley MD (DOR), Justin Scruggs MD (Piedmont Spine), Jon (JJ) Wilson DO (Piedmont Spine), Greg Bentley MD (Piedmont Spine), Randy Lowe Xrat tech (Piedmont Spine)

L to R: Don O’Malley MD (DOR), Justin Scruggs MD (Piedmont Spine), Jon (JJ) Wilson DO (Piedmont Spine), Greg Bentley MD (Piedmont Spine), Randy Lowe Xrat tech (Piedmont Spine)

From Duke Medicine News and wral.com

More Durham men are sporting mustaches this month as part of the “Movember” movement, a worldwide campaign to get men to exercise more and get recommended health screenings. It’s also a way to raise money to help more men survive prostate cancer.

“Movember” in Durham began with a free, clean professional shave. To carry the visible message of the men’s health awareness campaign there’s only one requirement.

What do you think?


“You do have to be able to grow a mustache,” said Duke Medical oncologist, Dr. Dan George.

“It’s just a way to get out the message that prostate cancer is important,” added Duke Medical oncologist, Dr. Andrew Armstrong.

The campaign, with symbolic moustaches and fundraising efforts, has spread campus and community-wide. A lot of the money raised will target prostate cancer research.

“One in seven men will be diagnosed in their lifetime with prostate cancer,” said Duke urologic surgeon, Dr. Michael Granier.

“Despite all our screening efforts and everything else, we’re still losing men every single day to this disease,” said George.

Any man can get prostate cancer, but some are at special risk.

“If you’ve had cancer yourself, if you’re African-American, we know that men who are African American have a higher risk of getting prostate cancer and when they have prostate cancer, it’s more aggressive,” said Armstrong.


With early screening and detection, there is hope for prostate cancer patients.

“Management has changed. It’s gotten more nuanced and we can treat the appropriate patients more aggressively and manage quite conservatively the patients who don’t need to be treated,” said George.

Research is also focused on survivorship, when many men face side effects like incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

“I think we’ve become very good at treating the disease and prolonging men’s lives, but now we also want to improve quality of live since we’re living longer,” said Granier.

Duke’s fundraising for “Movember” has grown every year. In its first year, the campaign raised just $2,000. Last year, the total was $20,000.

Ortho Appointment Hub Staff Receives Tier One Work Culture Award

Congratulations to the Orthopaedic Appointment Hub, located at Page Road, for receiving the Tier I Work Culture Award.  The Tier I award is presented to a group who have achieved success in areas such as teamwork, workplace satisfaction, team spirit, etc.

Page Road Tier I Culture Award

Left – 1st Row – Sophia Hodges, Shelia Ettson, Elanor Brown, Dawn Medlin, Beverly Hopkins, Wendy Moorman Left – 2nd Row – Debbie Rigsbee, Mary Cantrell, Christina Fort, Jennifer Goldman, Ray Malaguti

Department celebrates the holidays!

2015 Holiday Party Reminder

Thanks to all within the department that were able to attend the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Holiday Party on Dec 2nd.  This year the event was held at the AMF Durham Bowling Lanes.  THANKS to Melanie Frank for efforts in coordinating this years event!

Orthopaedic Surgery web site goes Live!

The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery web site went live 12/1 – http://ortho.duke.edu/.  A lot of people were involved to make this effort happen in a relatively short period of time – huge THANKS to the following:

  • Faculty Leads
    • Research – Dr. Ben Alman
    • Education & Training – Dr. Fraser Leversedge
    • Patient Care – Dr. David Attarian
  • Ortho Faculty (both clinical and research)
  • Wendy Thompson – GME office
  • Content Writers
    • Laura Ertel
    • Michael Gowan
  • Developer – PivotPoint Media

We have received positive feedback from the faculty as well as suggestions for enhancements.  Those enhancements have been reviewed by the faculty leads and if approved will be incorporated in future releases of the web site.  The new site will continue to evolve and your feedback is always appreciated.  Please take a moment and review the site.  If you find any issues, missing or inaccurate content, please let us know.

Thank you, again, for your support and assistance on this endeavor for the department.

Tim Riddle and John McCall

Orthopaedic CRU Passes Annual Quality Assurance Review

Congratulations to CRU Director, Steven Olson and Research Practice Manager, Maria Manson for successfully passing the Annual Quality Assurance Review. Dr. Olson and Maria presented the Orthopaedic annual Quality Assurance report to the School of Medicine QA committee on 11/20/2015. Included in the report was a summary of the CRU’s compliance adherence procedures, research activities for the past 12 months as well as the review of 11 active prospective studies and 10 chart reviews.


School of Medicine Mission Administration Accountability Departmental Review

The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Administration team is currently going through the SOM Mission Administration Accountability Departmental Review.  The goals of the review include:

  • Understand how each mission in the department is managed, and how accountability extends vertically all the way through the organization.
  • Identify potential gaps in processes or reporting that might be useful in management of the department.
  • Identify areas where oversight might be strengthened.

Key areas of review are:

  • Department Leadership Structure
  • Administrative Staffing
  • Faculty Compensation Plans
  • Clinical Services Administration
  • Research Administration
  • CRU Administration
  • Education Administration
  • Financial/Activity Reporting

Participating in the departmental review are Mike Gagnon, Jill Karr, Maria Manson, John McCall, Peter Pavlis, Wendy Thompson and Tim Riddle.

Below is a picture of Peter Pavlis, Maria Manson and Mike Gagnon as they prepare for the first meeting with the School of Medicine.

L to R: Peter Pavlis, Maria Manson, Mike Gagnon

L to R: Peter Pavlis, Maria Manson, Mike Gagnon


Physiatry Section in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

From Dr. Ben Alman

Our department is becoming increasing diversified in clinical and academic activities as we grow.   With this diversification, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is playing an increasingly important role, and this specialty has obvious synergies with our Doctoral Physical Therapy Program.  As such, I am delighted to announce that we are establishing anand-b_joshi-md-mhaa Section of Physiatry, to help organize activities across our department in the clinical, educational, and research realms.  In the coming months a search committee will be established to select a leader for this section, but until then, Anand Joshi has agreed to serve as the interim section head.  Anand received his MD from Northeastern Ohio University, undertook residency training at East Carolina as well as fellowship training at the University of Pennsylvania. In addition, he has a MHA from the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill School of Public Health.  Many of you know Anand, as he provides physical medicine and rehabilitation care at our Duke spine clinic. Please join me in congratulating Anand in this role, where he will help us establish this new section in our department.