Orthopaedic Departmental Web Site Update!

Dr. Selene Parekh says ‘…. it’s clean, modern, and easy to navigate’

Dr. Leversedge states ‘… crisp, modern, inviting

Dr. Alman comments ‘… I like it!  Nice job’

What are these guys talking about?  The new prototype of the Orthopaedic departmental website.  After a long summer of migrating the existing website from the retired content management platform, Xoops, we have migrated to the new School of Medicine Drupal 7 infrastructure.  We have now kicked off the project to redesign and update the content on the new departmental website as well as engaged with 2 vendors to assist with the redesign and content rewrite:

PivotPoint Media, Durham, NC http://pivotpoint-media.com/

PivotPoint is responsible for the design and technical buildout of the website. They are a marketing and creative services firm that serves as a full-service advertising agency with clients such as Duke University, Duke Health Systems, RTI, CREE, North Carolina A&T, and more.

Gowan Communications Group, Carboro, NC http://gowancommunications.com/

Gowan Communications is assisting with the overall content for the website. They provide content strategy, writing, and editing services.

The project team is under an aggressive timeline for the redesign and will need everyones cooperation throughout the process.  We will provide a weekly update on the blog with regards to the progress of the web site.

There are 3 Ortho faculty leads that will be helping in driving the overall content with our content writers:
Education – Dr. Fraser Leversedge
Research – Dr. Ben Alman
Clinical – Dr. David Attarian

In addition to the blog updates, we will be placing a large banner at DSSI, Page Road and 5th Floor Orange zone to detail the ‘checklist of progression’ and associated timelines.  These banners will be updated regularly checking off the tasks as part of the project.  Please click on the link below to view our prototype.


We will continue to provide project updates but do not hesitate to contact either Mike Gagnon, John McCall or Tim Riddle if you have any questions.

Additional Documents for Review:

Duke Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Web Redesign Project Plan

Ortho Web Redesign FACT SHEET 9.2.2015


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