Doctorate of Physical Therapy Research Related News

Content provided by Dr. Chad Cook, PhD

Mike Reiman physical therapy facultyDr. Michael Reiman is at it again. Dr. Reiman is the most prolific physical therapist publisher in the area of musculoskeletal management of the hip. His two recent publications: Reiman MP, Mather RC 3rd, Cook CE. Physical examination tests for hip dysfunction and injury. Br J Sports Med. 2015 Mar;49(6):357-361, and Reiman MP, Thorborg K. Femoroacetabular impingement surgery: are we moving too fast and too far beyond the evidence? Br J Sports Med. 2015 Feb 12. pii: bjsports-2014-093821, join a chorus of others that have helped reshape how we look at FAI and hip management. Dr. Reiman’s FAI and hip-oriented publications average 12-14 cites per year!



Andrea Taylor, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physical TherapyDr. Andrea Taylor receives three years of funding through the National Science Foundation.  Reconstructing feeding behavior and diet in our early ancestors is of central importance to studies of human evolution.   To shed new light on the ecological factors that led to distinctive evolutionary changes in human masticatory morphology, Dr. Taylor has been awarded a senior research grant from the National Science Foundation.  Collaborating with research scientists from Arizona State University, the University of Chicago, the University of Missouri and the American Museum of Natural History, Dr. Taylor will use computed tomography to obtain detailed information on the internal structure of the mandible in a comparative sample of living primates.  These data will be combined with comparative data on jaw-muscle fiber architecture and physiology to build finite element models to study how the mandibles of living primates perform under a variety of behaviors.  Dr. Taylor and her collaborators will travel to Africa to apply these same methods to the mandibles of human ancestors from Ethiopia and Kenya.  Their study promises to refine and advance knowledge of the mechanisms that shaped the evolution of our earliest ancestors.


Amy Pastva, Ph.D., Instructor, Department of Physical TherapyMore evidence to support the very high level of the CAPSTONE projects and mentorship. Congrats to our third year students and Dr. Amy Pastva, for their research: Exercise protocols and patient-centered outcomes associated with pulmonary rehabilitation for lung transplant candidates:  A systematic review by Mollie Hope, SPT, Zainab Kothari, SPT, Monica Pamer, SPT, Jonathan Weinhold, SPT, Keenan Whitesides, SPT,  and Amy M. Pastva, PT, PhD. This research platform won the CSM2015 Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research Platform Award as well as the Student Research Award.  The group was invited to publish in the Section’s journal, but will be submitting to Phys Ther. Additional congrats to Dr. Adam Goode for his coordination of the Evidence Practice series.


105814_cook001Dr. Chad Cook appointed as Senior Associate Editor for the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The British Journal of Sports Medicine has an impact factor of 4.34 and is the second highest rated sports-oriented journal in the world. Dr. Cook has been an editor or associate editor for 5 journals, having just recently stepped down as associate editor of Manual Therapy. Within this division, there are 3 editor-level faculty: Dr. Michel Landry (PRI), Dr. Jan Gwyer (JOPTE) and Dr. Cook (BJSM, J Physio, BMC Archives of Physio).

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