
The Duke NMR Center’s goal is to make state-of-the-art instrumental resources available to researchers, providing a venue for them to pursue their projects and develop their experience in NMR methods. Top priorities of the center personnel are to maintain the performance of these instruments at the highest level and to provide basic training to new users. In addition, the resident expertise in the center is available to facilitate NMR efforts and contribute to the scientific research efforts of users in the development of strategies for data collection and analysis. The application of NMR to research projects employs some of the most complex and expensive instruments used in scientific research. The training procedures and operating policies reflect the need to protect the instrumentation investment as well as produce safe, efficient and effective use of the instruments.

EMAIL the Duke NMR center for all Training Requests, Consultation Requests, Letter of Support, and Citing Duke NMR Center. If you are unsure of where to begin, please EMAIL us and we will be happy to guide you and help you accomplish your research goals.

Duke NMR Center offers training on our NMR instrumentation . Please request training via EMAIL.
Accordion Sample DescriptionDuke NMR center instrumentation can be accessed in two ways. Duke NMR staff can train students and staff to operate the instruments independently or Duke staff can carry out the experiments and provide a detailed report of the results. The first step is to submit a consultation request via EMAIL.

Duke NMR center provides expert analytical services to Duke University researchers at a cost effective rate using state-of-the-art instrumentation. If you would like to use our facility as part of a grant application, please request a letter of support via EMAIL.

Once we have received your request, we can discuss your budget as well as provide you with our facilities and resources document to include in your grant application. To ensure the best quality letter, please submit your request at least ten business days in advance to any grant deadlines.

When citing Duke NMR center in presentation, proposals and publications, please use the following language:

This work was performed in part by the Duke NMR Center.

Authorships are recommended when Duke NMR scientists have made intellectual contributions to the research project including. but not limited to, the following scenarios:

  • Design of experimental methods and/or improvement of existing methods that leads to a meaningful scientific result.
  • Substantial data acquisition, data analysis, and data interpretation (beyond routine practice).
  • A Duke NMR scientist writes and/or revises the content of the manuscript with intellectual contribution in the result and discussion sections.