October 17-18, 2019
Duke University in Durham, NC
The RNA Society of North Carolina welcomes you to the 2019 Symposium on RNA Biology XIII: RNA Tool and Target. This symposium will bring together a prominent set of RNA scientists to discuss the latest achievements in RNA research. The conference will feature talks from national and international RNA scientists as well as selected talks from submitted abstracts. The symposium spans the breadth of RNA research from fundamental structural and biological studies to the applications of RNA in treating human disease. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
Click here to download the Agenda and Abstract Book.
Confirmed Speakers:
Susan Baserga, Yale School of Medicine
Rachel Green, Johns Hopkins University
Philip Bevilacqua, Penn State University
Christine Dunham, Emory University
Nicholas Conrad, UT, Southwestern
Hani Zaher, Washington University
Rui Zhao, University of Colorado, Denver
Eda Yildirim, Duke University
Ke Zhang, Wake Forest University
Marcos Morgan, NIEHS
Kate Meyer, Duke University
Daniel Dominguez, UNC, Chapel Hill
Joseph Rodriguez, NIEHS
Christopher Holley, Duke University
Topics Include:
RNA structure
RNA Processing
RNA – protein interactions
RNA modifications