Abstract submission is now closed.
Click here to download the Agenda and Abstract Book.
The poster session will take place on Thursday October 17th.
The maximum width for your poster should not exceed 48 inches.
You will received an email that assigns a number to you. At the meeting, please set up your poster according to your number.
Please hang your poster up prior to the start of the meeting at 1:00 p.m. Staff will be on site from noon.
We will have even numbered posters present from 5:00 p.m.-5:45 p.m. and odd numbered posters present from 5:45 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Please take down your poster at the conclusion of the poster session.
We will be awarding 6 prizes for the top posters at the conclusion of the meeting on Friday October 18th.
If you would like to have you poster printed by PhD Posters and delivered directly to the meeting location on the morning of the poster session, see the info pasted below for PhD Posters below who will not charge you a delivery fee for this service.
From PhD Posters
We can print and then deliver your poster for the RNA Society Meeting directly to the meeting location, saving you the effort of hauling it there yourself! If you would like to have us make your poster, you will need to have all information submitted no later than 6:00 PM on Wednesday, October 16th using the following link: https://phdposters.com/new/orderform?event=34. If you are unable to have the poster completed by the normal 6:00 PM submission time, you can submit and pay a rush fee of $35 until 5:00 AM on Thursday, October 17th. Specific questions can be directed to Amy Kapral (919-641-9848, amy@phdposters.com) or through the company’s website at http://phdposters.com/. Posters will be delivered to the Trent Semans Science Center (the meeting location) by 11:00 AM on Thursday, October 17th. Please make sure you submit through the first website to ensure that your poster is delivered directly to the meeting. Note: The deadlines listed above are for PDF submissions. PPT orders will need to be submitted no later than 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 15th or with a rush fee of $35 by 5:00 AM Wednesday, October 16th to be completed in time for the meeting.