Yesterday Shawnna harvested our first strawberries of the year. She waited until I got back from my trip to do this. I don’t think I would have had that kind of self control!
I got the plants last year from our neighbors Dan and Darcey, who had more strawberries than they knew what to do with. They told us that the strawberries were in such abundance that they could smell them when they got out of their car. The strawberries were so plentiful that some were rotting on the vine. They warned me that the plants would spread rapidly and would need to be thinned out. I told them we would love to have that problem!
Now our front yard is full of them, and there is the added bonus of not having to mow that part of the lawn. Life is good!
If you ever find you have a strawberry surplus “problem”, I can definitely help you with that.
Of course neighbor!