Nice to meet you! I am Yineng Han, and you can also call me Olivia.
I am the second year M.S. student in Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) program here at Duke. I graduated from Shanghai University of Engineering & Science, also majored in MSE. I love traveling, listening to hip-pop music, working out in gym, doing various kinds of sports during my leisure time. My research interest is 3D polymer printing, and currently i am in Prof. Ken Gall’s group. For this semester, I am a team member of Microbot project during this Capstone Course (ME555), which is taught by Prof. George Delagrammatikas.
If you share the same hobbies with me or any question whether regarding my research or this Microbot project, don’t hesitate to contact me! My email is yh312@duke.edu
Project Abstract

Our goal is to design a Microbot which can achieve controlled movement by developing actuators and sensors. We basically divide our job into electronic part and 3D printing part. We use Arduino programming to control the whole system, thus making the robot move and rotate. At the same time, we also try different materials with different design structures to legs and body, then figuring out the optimal choice. Click here to see how we make it possible!