A Note from the Instructor
Welcome to the Graduate Capstone Course in the Thomas Lord MEMS Department at Duke University. You’re invited to review our website, explore the many projects our students have been undertaking, and take advantage of all the resources here for your personal growth. Watch the video below to learn more about my academic interests and the projects I’d like to continue at Duke.
Project Motivation, Needs, and Goals
…identified a need to improve student skills in…
design, fabrication, and assembly of electromechanical systems
this sequence of projects allows any user of this website to learn about: x, y, and z
aspirational narrative is included here
Learning Objectives
The following projects were developed during the Spring 2021 semester to support the learning of….These modules consisted of tasks that would develop student skills in… These projects were divided into three parts, as follows…in subsequent years, the vision of these learning objectives will involve ….
talk more about concrete student outcomes here, even in the aspirational modules
after the student completes all these modules s/he will be able to perform x, y, and z tasks and have these tools in their toolkit.
Project Vision and Narrative
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Beginner 3D printing of linkages.
Do this assignment
then that assignment
i didnt do all of these, but you can find them all in the hands-on-at-home link here.
this is a project i did completely on my own…
it involved this that and the other thing
heres a summary of what i did with a gallery of pictures below, but make sure you go to this page if you want details and how to replicate.
this project appears in the ‘Optimal Design of Physical and Virtual Systems’ experiment page under the ‘Intermediate’ heading.
this project is almost done and it involves this and the other thing
you can find a detailed description on how to replicate everytihng ive done at this page, but make sure you read the following because here’s the vision for what this project should end up looking like. take a look at all my sketches in the gallery below and go to the main page to continue to project
i only got as far as the vision for this part of the project.
in fact, this part uses everything that is in the advanced section, but it continues the project using this other stuff that is very advanced.
take a look at the sketches below and youll see where we’re going with this.
there’s no main page for this because it’s a continuing project that others will pick up in the future.