Project Overview

This project aims to build a low-level controller using Arduino, paired with ROS, in order to achieve control interaction directly with the differential drive robot motors. Using DC motors w/ encoders and an IMU, paired with an Arduino Mega and the Arduino library, rosserial.h, to act as a bridge between the hardware and the ROS network that our robot’s algorithms are run on. Additionally, the project uses the PID_v1.h library and the Encoder.h library in order to use PID control and process encoder signals.

Components/ Purchase List

The Jetbot Kit comes with two yellow 5V hobby motors. In order to get velocity data and be able to control the speed accurately, encoder data is more necessary. A solution for this is to replace the Jetbot motors with Hobby Motors with Encoders, pictured below:

This motor from Sparkfun has a built in motor encoder. It has the same mounting holes as the motors that are included in the Jetbot kit, which makes mounting and placing them easy. Instead of plugging in the power and the ground into the Jetbot’s power distribution board, run the 6 wires through the hole in the bottom of the Jetbot’s motor chassis and out so that it can be wired to the motor driver and external power.


Here is a wiring diagram of the set up of the motors and the motor driver to the Arduino Mega. The Arduino Mega should be plugged in to the Jetson Nano through the use of a USB-B to USB-A connector wire. The motors will need an extra 9V battery to power them–they are rated for 3V-9V, but do not produce enough torque to move the motors until provided ~7V.


The Arduino Mega is equipped with the code that is added at the bottom of this page. This code was developed with lots of help from Richard Hall, a PhD student in the Bridgeman Lab. A high-level overview of the code is illustrated below:

The code has the following dependencies, which can all be downloaded through the Arduino IDE libraries tab in the editor.

  • ros.h (Rosserial Arduino Library by Michael Ferguson)
  • Encoder.h (Encoder by Paul Stroffregen)
  • ArduPID.h (ArduPID by PowerBroker2)
  • FireTimer.h (FireTimer by PowerBroker2)
* Arduino ROSserial PWM control w/ Encoders and disableable PID controller
* Authored by Emi Muranaka (eem41) w/ help from and advisement from Richard Hall (rah75)
* Derived from
#include <ros.h>
#include <ros/time.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int16.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
#include <Encoder.h>
#include <PID_v1.h>
// arduino hardware pins
#define PIN_MOTOR_L_DIR_1 8
#define PIN_MOTOR_L_DIR_2 7
#define PIN_MOTOR_L_ENA 9
#define PIN_MOTOR_R_DIR_1 4
#define PIN_MOTOR_R_DIR_2 5
#define PIN_MOTOR_R_ENB 3
#define PIN_ENCODER_L_1 18
#define PIN_ENCODER_L_2 19
#define PIN_ENCODER_R_1 20
#define PIN_ENCODER_R_2 21
#define VELOCITY_CONSTANT 48 // Converts ticks/us to mm/s
typedef enum {SIDE_L = 0, SIDE_R = 1} side_t;
/** A left and right encoder object attached to each wheel */
Encoder encoder [2] = {
/** PID function that controls to a set velocity (left side and right side) */
double Setpoint_L, Input_L, Output_L;
double Kp_L=2, Ki_L=5, Kd_L=1;
PID velPID_L(&Input_L, &Output_L, &Setpoint_L, Kp_L, Ki_L, Kd_L, DIRECT);
double Setpoint_R, Input_R, Output_R;
double Kp_R=2, Ki_R=5, Kd_R=1;
PID velPID_R(&Input_R, &Output_R, &Setpoint_R, Kp_R, Ki_R, Kd_R, DIRECT);
/** Function that controls the variables: motor(0 ou 1), direction (cw ou ccw) e pwm (entra 0 e 255) */
void writeToMotor(const side_t motor_side, const int16_t pwm);
/** ISRs called when the corresponding PWM is set */
void pwmInputL(const std_msgs::Int16& pwmVaL);
void pwmInputR(const std_msgs::Int16& pwmVal);
uint8_t motor_vel_buff_idx [2] = {0,0};
float motor_vel_buff [2][VELOCITY_BUFFER_SIZE];
/** Set velocity setpoint declared by user that implements PID controller */
void velInputL(const std_msgs::Float64& vel_msg);
void velInputR(const std_msgs::Float64& vel_msg);
/** Read and save the encoder values and compute the motor velocity */
void computeEncoderAndVel();
float computeAverageVal(float * buf, const uint8_t len);
//creates Arduino as new ROS NODE
ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle;
/** Subscribe to PWM values */
ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Int16> motor_pwm [2] = {
ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Int16>(“/robot_0/left_wheel/pwm_input”, &pwmInputL),
ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Int16>(“/robot_0/right_wheel/pwm_input”, &pwmInputR)};
/** Subscribe to Velocity values */
ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Float64> desired_motor_vel [2] = {
ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Float64>(“/robot_0/left_wheel/vel_input”, &velInputL),
ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Float64>(“/robot_0/right_wheel/vel_input”, &velInputR)};
/** Publish encoder values */
std_msgs::Int32 encoder_val [2];
ros::Publisher encoder_pub [2] = {
ros::Publisher(“/robot_0/left_wheel/encoder”, &encoder_val[SIDE_L]),
ros::Publisher(“/robot_0/right_wheel/encoder”, &encoder_val[SIDE_R])};
/** Publish motor velocities */
std_msgs::Float64 motor_vel [2];
ros::Publisher motor_vel_pub [2] = {
ros::Publisher(“/robot_0/left_wheel/vel”, &motor_vel[SIDE_L]),
ros::Publisher(“/robot_0/right_wheel/vel”, &motor_vel[SIDE_R])};
bool velocity_set = false;
int16_t pwm_vals [2] = {0,0};
float vel_desired [2] = {0.0,0.0};
void setup(){
for (int s = SIDE_L; s <= SIDE_R; s++){
// Set up PID
Input_L = motor_vel[SIDE_L].data;
Input_R = motor_vel[SIDE_R].data;
velPID_L.SetOutputLimits(-255, 255); // Set limits for PID return value to match PWM to motor
velPID_R.SetOutputLimits(-255, 255);
velPID_L.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); // Turn PID on
// Set up pins
void loop(){
computeEncoderAndVel(); // Reads sensor data and computes velocity of each wheel
// Compute PWM needed to track velocity setpoints (if velocity has been set)
delay(10); //changed from 10ms to help processing
void computePWMValues(){
// Compute PWM values using PID controller and velocity error
Input_L = motor_vel[SIDE_L].data;
Input_R = motor_vel[SIDE_R].data;
Setpoint_L = double(vel_desired[SIDE_L]);
Setpoint_R = double(vel_desired[SIDE_R]);
pwm_vals[SIDE_L] = Output_L;
pwm_vals[SIDE_R] = Output_R;
void writeToMotor(){
for(int motor_side = 0; motor_side<2; motor_side++){
const uint8_t dir1 = (motor_side == SIDE_L ? PIN_MOTOR_L_DIR_1 : PIN_MOTOR_R_DIR_1);
const uint8_t dir2 = (motor_side == SIDE_L ? PIN_MOTOR_L_DIR_2 : PIN_MOTOR_R_DIR_2);
const uint8_t motor_pin = (motor_side == SIDE_L ? PIN_MOTOR_L_ENA : PIN_MOTOR_R_ENB);
if(pwm_vals[motor_side] < 0)
digitalWrite(dir1, LOW);
digitalWrite(dir2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dir1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dir2, LOW);
analogWrite(motor_pin, abs(pwm_vals[motor_side]));
void pwmInputR(const std_msgs::Int16& pwm_val_msg){
pwm_vals[SIDE_R] =;
velocity_set = false;
void pwmInputL(const std_msgs::Int16& pwm_val_msg){
pwm_vals[SIDE_L] =;
velocity_set = false;
void velInputL(const std_msgs::Float64& vel_msg){
vel_desired[SIDE_L] =;
velocity_set = true;
void velInputR(const std_msgs::Float64& vel_msg){
vel_desired[SIDE_R] =;
velocity_set = true;
long lastLoopTime_us = 0;
/** Read and save the encoder values and compute the motor velocity */
void computeEncoderAndVel(){
// Read new encoder values
const int32_t new_enc_data [2] = {encoder[SIDE_L].read(), encoder[SIDE_R].read()};
const long delta_time = micros() – lastLoopTime_us;
const float delta_time_f = delta_time;
// Compute velocity and store in velocity buffers
motor_vel_buff[SIDE_L][motor_vel_buff_idx[SIDE_L]] = VELOCITY_CONSTANT * (new_enc_data[SIDE_L] – encoder_val[SIDE_L].data)/delta_time_f;
motor_vel_buff[SIDE_R][motor_vel_buff_idx[SIDE_R]] = VELOCITY_CONSTANT * (new_enc_data[SIDE_R] – encoder_val[SIDE_R].data)/delta_time_f;
// Increment velocity buffer indicies
motor_vel_buff_idx[SIDE_L] = (motor_vel_buff_idx[SIDE_L]+1)%VELOCITY_BUFFER_SIZE;
motor_vel_buff_idx[SIDE_R] = (motor_vel_buff_idx[SIDE_R]+1)%VELOCITY_BUFFER_SIZE;
// Store average velocities in ROS msgs
motor_vel[SIDE_L].data = computeAverageVal(motor_vel_buff[SIDE_L], VELOCITY_BUFFER_SIZE); // mm/s
motor_vel[SIDE_R].data = computeAverageVal(motor_vel_buff[SIDE_R], VELOCITY_BUFFER_SIZE); // mm/s
// Store new encoder values
encoder_val[SIDE_L].data = new_enc_data[SIDE_L];
encoder_val[SIDE_R].data = new_enc_data[SIDE_R];
lastLoopTime_us += delta_time;
float computeAverageVal(float * buf, const uint8_t len){
float val = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++){
val += buf[i];
return val/len;

In order to enable ROS communication between the Arduino and the Master Computer, a few repositories need to be built on the Jetbot. These include ROS, as well as ROSserial_Arduino. Directions for accomplishing these things can be found, below.

You will need to be running Ubuntu 18.04 in order to accomplish this tutorial.

Follow this tutorial in order to download ROS and set up your ROS environment.

After configuring your ROS environment, run these commands in order to install the ROSserial binaries onto the Jetson Nano.

$ sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-rosserial-arduino
$ sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-rosserial

After building ROS and installing ROSserial Arduino, you can plug your Arduino Mega into a USB port on the Jetson Nano.

To turn your Arduino into a ROS node on the Jetson Nano, run these commands in terminal windows of your Jetson Nano:

In the first terminal, run

$ roscore

to start ROS.

In a new terminal, run

$ rosrun rosserial_python _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 __name:=controller 

This will bring up your Arduino as a ROS node and allow you to publish and receive messages from the Arduino on the topics specified in the Arduino code.

In order to view or stream your data on a specific topic, you can run the following in a new tab:

$ rostopic echo <name-of-topic>

To replicate this project for yourself, work through the guidances below that I found helpful!