Shortbursts: Lawfare, Bombing Terrorist Revenue, Cyber, and more
“Shortbursts” is a new Lawfire feature you will see occasionally, and it aims to give you a quick volley of info on a number of items. As April has been such a busy month, I...
“Shortbursts” is a new Lawfire feature you will see occasionally, and it aims to give you a quick volley of info on a number of items. As April has been such a busy month, I...
The question is not whether more cyber attacks will occur, but how prepared we are to deal with them. The Incident Response Forum in Washington, DC. on April 4 focused on just that issue. ...
Over on the Yale Journal of International Law (YJIL) online Forum I have a short post (“Understanding War-Sustaining Targeting: A Rejoinder to Iulia Padeanu”) in which I provide an opposing view to a YJIL...
Russian Premier Vladimir Putin has declared the U.S.’s strike on a Syrian airbase in the aftermath of the chemical weapon attack on civilians a violation of international law. Some U.S. politicians and scholars seem...
Shannon Vavra, a reporter with an intriguing new media outlet Axios, quotes me in her new story (“The U.S. Air Force is preparing to fight in space”) about what the Air Force terms as...