Shortbursts: Lawfare, Bombing Terrorist Revenue, Cyber, and more

“Shortbursts” is a new Lawfire feature you will see occasionally, and it aims to give you a quick volley of info on a number of items.  As April has been such a busy month, I thought it was the right time to introduce it – I hope you find it helpful!

I was excited to have the opportunity to discuss my concept of lawfare in the just published edition of the Military Review.  The journal is a publication of the U.S. Army’s Combined Arms Center and is produced for general audience, but especially junior officers and NCOs. My essay is entitled “Lawfare 101” and is designed to provide something of a primer on lawfare, especially as it’s developed over the years.  The .pdf is found here, and I hope you give it a look.

At the American Society of International Law (ASIL) annual meeting earlier this month (April 14th) I participated in a debate entitled “Bombing Terrorist Revenue: Legitimate Military Strategy or War Crime?”  It “pitted” Laurie Blank and Jens David Ohlin against Ryan Goodman and myself.  Christie Edwards was brilliant as the ‘cat herder’, er, moderator.  Since we are all friends, the discussion was energetic yet friendly (my position is largely reflected in my Yale piece found here).

Anyway, it was a lot of fun, and the video of the debate is found here.

In a previous post I told you about the Incident Response Forum on April 4th, but I wanted to mention that at the Duke Law Reunion weekend (April 8th) I participated in an interesting panel called “How Can Lawyers Improve the State of Cybersecurity?” with David Hoffman J.D. ’93, Associate General Counsel and Global Privacy Officer at Intel Corporation,  Larry E. Christensen J.D. ’72, Member, Miller & Chevalier; and Kathleen M. Hamm J.D. 88, Global Leader of Securities and Fintech Services, and Senior Strategic Advisor to the CEO on Cyber Solutions at Promontory Financial Group, an IBM Company.  The CLE material can be found here.

From April 20th to the 22nd I also had the privilege of participating in an interdisciplinary seminar entitled “Critical, Historical, and Comparative Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law” at the University of Wisconsin Law School organized by Professor Helen Kinsella.  I think some papers will be published at some point, and I’ll keep you posted.

Yesterday I returned from a trip to Israel to participate in the Second Israeli Defense Forces International Conference on the Law of Armed Conflict hosted by the Military Advocate General.  Among other things, the conference included a fascinating trip to the Golan Heights and briefings by senior Israeli commanders.  More about this very interesting (and extraordinarily well-organized) conference in a future post.


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