COVID-19 Resources

Personal Safety During COVID-19
Information on mask use and hand washing. Visit: COVID-19 Personal Safety
Access to Health Care
How to apply for insurance through the Affordable Care Act or Medicaid. Go to: Health Care for those Affected by COVID-19
Direct Support
Nonprofits and other community-based organizations who are providing direct support to those affected during COVID19.
Food Insecurity
Food resources in the Triangle area.
Resource Guides
Comprehensive guide to Durham County COVID-19 resources
Comprehensive guide to Orange County COVID-19 resources
Self-Care, Coping with a Disaster
The outbreak of coronavirus disease COVID-19 may be stressful for individuals and communities. The CDC has resources at Taking Care of Your Emotional Health.
Transportation updates during COVID-19
Updated COVID-19 Information
Updated information may be found at any time on the Durham County Department of Public Health website at, the CDC website at, and the NCDHHS website at
When going outside, wearing a mask is essential. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a great page on how to make a homemade mask from materials that you’ll have in your home: Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 The Durham County Department of Public Health and the …
Nonprofits and other Durham County community-based organizations who are providing direct support to those affected during COVID19. El Centro Hispano (Durham, Wake and Orange, NC) Has created the COVID19 Crisis Response Fund to assist families who are being impacted due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This fund aims to support and strengthen families at risk who …
End Hunger Durham The website includes downloadable lists of pantries in English and Spanish. You can also download their mobile phone app (it’s on the website as well) called Durham Food Resources. Durham County COVID-19 Food Security Project Durham County Government and community partners are working together to …
Health Care Options If Lose Your Job and Insurance – English, Español
GoTriangle Transit (Cary, Durham, and Raleigh, NC): Effective Monday, March 23, GoTriangle, GoDurham, GoRaleigh and GoCary suspended all fare collections and asked all riders who are able to enter through the rear doors of buses in an effort to support social distancing and reduce contact with frequently touched surfaces such as fare boxes. GoTriangle and …