Sabrina Karim and Kyle Beardsley, “Peacekeeping and the Problem of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence,” in Han Dorussen, ed., Handbook on Peacekeeping. Edward Elgar (2022). Book info.
Kaitlyn Webster, Priscilla Torres, Chong Chen and Kyle Beardsley, “Ethnic and Gender Hierarchies in the Crucible of War,” International Studies Quarterly 64 (2020): 710-722. Published version. Latest version. Replication data.
Kaitlyn Webster, Chong Chen, and Kyle Beardsley, “Conflict, Peace, and the Evolution of Women’s Empowerment,” International Organization 73, 2 (2019): 255-289. Published version. Appendix. Latest version. Replication data. Updated Figure 6b (the printed version mistakenly included Figure 6a twice).
Sabrina Karim, Michael J. Gilligan, Robert Blair, and Kyle Beardsley, “International Gender Balancing Reforms in Post-Conflict Countries: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence from the Liberian National Police,” International Studies Quarterly 63, 3 (2018). Published version. Latest version. Replication data.
Sabrina Karim and Kyle Beardsley, Equal-Opportunity Peacekeeping: Women, Peace, and Security in Post-Conflict States, Oxford University Press, in the Oxford Studies in Gender and International Relations series (2017). Book info. Replication data.
- Awarded “2018 Conflict Processes Best Book Award” by the APSA
- Awarded “2017 Best Book of the Year” by the Conflict Research Society.
Sabrina Karim and Kyle Beardsley, “Explaining Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Missions: The Role of Female Peacekeepers and Gender Equality in Contributing Countries,” Journal of Peace Research 53, 1 (2016): 100-115. Published version. Errata. Latest version. Tables and Figures. Updated replication data. Original replication data.
Sabrina Karim and Kyle Beardsley, “Women in Peacemaking/Peacekeeping,” in Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations, Patrick James (ed.), Oxford University Press (2016). Updated in 2021 with Sabrina Karim, Tessa Devereaux Evans, Laura Huber and Angie Torres-Beltran. Published version.
Sabrina Karim and Kyle Beardsley, “Ladies Last: Peacekeeping and Gendered Protection,” in A Systematic Understanding of Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UNSCR 1325, Ismene Gizelis and Louise Olsson (eds.), Routledge (2015): 62-95. Book info.
Sabrina Karim and Kyle Beardsley, “Female Peacekeepers and Gender Balancing: Token Gestures or Informed Policymaking?,” International Interactions 39, 4 (2013): 461-488. Published version. Latest version. Replication data.