
I am a professor in the Department of Political Science at Duke University. I am also co-director of the ICB data project and Director of the Triangle Institute of Security Studies (TISS).

My research interests focus on the quantitative study of international conflict and peace processes. I am particularly interested in questions related to the role of third parties in shaping conflict dynamics, the interdependence of networks of conflict and cooperation, the links between armed conflict and gender power imbalances, and the impact of nuclear weapons on international crisis behavior.

You can find my ORCID profile here, and my Scholars@Duke profile here.

I teach a range of courses on international conflict resolution, international security and research methodology.

I am also a board member of the Center for Christianity and Scholarship.

Finally, I am proud to direct you to my spouse’s business, Jessica Beardsley Nutrition, if you know anyone who is looking for a dietician to help them “fuel well for life.”

Please contact me at:

Email: kyle.beardsley[at]duke.edu

Political Science Department Phone: (919) 660-4300

Office location: 204H Gross Hall

Mailing Address:

Department of Political Science
Duke University
140 Science Drive, Room 208
Box 90204
Durham, NC  27708-0204