Home » Program Overview » Overview of Training Tracks » TRACK II: HEMOSTASIS & THROMBOSIS


Faculty members in coagulation and thrombosis have nationally recognized research programs encompassing basic and clinical research.  Basic/translational research programs include studies of heparin induced thrombocytopenia (Arepally), effects of fibrinogen-coated nanoparticles in radiation injury (Chao & Ortel), regulation of cellular redox state (Miller), angiogenesis and treatment of hemophilia (Hoffman), and anticoagulant aptamers (Sullenger). Clinical/translational research programs include anticoagulant therapies for antiphospholipid antibodies (Ortel), genomics of thrombotic storm (Ortel), studies of novel therapies for TTP (Metjian) and surgical hemostasis (Welsby).

Track II Faculty: Hemostasis & Thrombosis
Basic/Translational Research FacultyClinical Research Faculty
Arepally, Gowthami MD Arepally, Gowthami MD
(HIT and plasma exchange)
Lee, Grace, MD
(Neutrophils and Sickle Cell)
Grace Lee MD (Transfusion Medicine, Apheresis)
Chao, Nelson, MD
(platelet mimetics/thrombocytopenia)
Ortel, Thomas, MD, PhD
(genomics of thrombotic storm/CAPS)
Hoffman, Maureane, MD, PhD
(angiogenesis in hemophilia)
Rothman, Jennifer
(pediatric ITP)
Sullenger, Bruce, PhD
(RNA/DNA aptamer anticoagulants)
Voora, Deepak MD
(Clinical Research)
Truskey, George, PhD
(Endothelial cells/blood vessels)
Welsby, Ian MD
(Clinical Research)
Yang, Huanghe, PhD
(phosphatidylserine and coagulation)
Adjunct Faculty
Laura Talamo, MD (hematologic complications of pregnancy); Grace Lee MD (Neutrophil biology), Ammon Fager, MD, PhD (hemophilia), and Jerold Levy, MD (cardiovascular surgical hemostasis).

Educational Opportunities For Track II Trainees

Table VI: Conferences and Seminars available to Track II participants 
Conference Conference Description Attendees and Interactions
Interdisciplinary Hematology Conference This interdisciplinary conference covers case-based discussions as well as quarterly basic scientific research seminars. Held weekly, Tuesday AM MDs, PhDs in hematology, transfusion medicine, pathology and biochemistry.
Hematology Research Seminar This scientific journal club organized by Dr. Hoffman reviews recent scientific literature in hemostasis and thrombosis, as well as review research in progress by basic investigators in hemostasis and thrombosis.  Held weekly, Friday PM Duke and UNC research faculty, graduate students and postdoctorate fellows
UNC Thrombosis and Hemostasis Seminar Series Invited speaker series at UNC brings nationally and internationally renowned investigators conducting basic scientific research in hemostasis and thrombosis; Duke faculty and trainees attend; held biweekly Friday AM UNC and Duke research faculty, graduate students and post-doctorate fellows


Graduate Courses For Track II Trainees

Graduate courses available for Track II trainees interested in basic research include:Cellular Signaling (BCH/CBI/MCB/PHARM417), Physical Biochemistry (BCH/SBB291), Structural Biochemistry I/II (IMM/BIOCHEM 258/259), Biophysical Methods (BIOCHEM 681).

Trainees pursuing clinical research would take the following graduate courses:  Statistics (CRP241& 245) and principles of clinical research (CRP242), Proteomics and Protein Biology in Medicine (CRP 257) and Patient-reported Outcomes in Medicine (CRP 271).