Home » Program Overview » Overview of Training Tracks » TRACK III:  HEMATOPOIESIS & CELLULAR THERAPY


Duke’s robust clinical and basic research programs in the field of hematopoiesis and cellular therapy are internationally recognized. Trainees can learn basic molecular techniques applicable to understanding stem cell and immunologic therapy, including studies of hematopoiesis, graft versus host disease, or participate in clinical and translational research in cellular therapy, as well as emerging programs in gene therapy.

Track III: Hematopoiesis, Malignant Hematology & Cellular Therapy
Basic/Translational Research FacultyClinical Research Faculty
Brander, Danielle, MD (CLL) Chao, Nelson, MD
Chao, Nelson, MD (Radiation injury/Progenitor cells) Martin, Paul MD(BMT for hematologic and non-hematologic malignancies)
Davé, Sandeep, MD (lymphoma genetics) Oeffinger, Kevin MD (Cancer Survivorship and Outcomes)
Kang, Yubin, MD PhD (myeloma pathogenesis)
Kurtzberg, Joanne, MD (cord cell transplantation) Sarantopoulos, Stefanie, MD, PhD (graft vs host disease and B cell signaling)
Sarantopoulos, Stefanie, MD, PhD (B-cells in GVHD) Sung, Anthony, MD (microbiome and home marrow transplantation)
Sipkins, Dorothy, MD, PhD (marrow microenvironment)
Young, Ken MD (molecular/genetic profiling of lymphomas)
Adjunct Faculty
Phuong Doan, MD (marrow microenvironment and marrow radiation injury) and Rein, Lindsay MD (myeloproliferative neoplasms).


Educational Opportunities for Track III Trainees

Table VIII: Conferences and Seminars available to Track III participants
Conference Conference Description Attendees and Interactions
Interdisciplinary Hematology Conference This interdisciplinary conference covers case-base discussions as well as quarterly basic scientific research seminars. Held weekly, Tuesday AM MDs, PhDs in adult and pediatric hematology, transfusion and pathology
ABMT Research Meeting Addresses research issues in stem cell therapy, reviews new protocols, data from on-going studies, changes in supportive care measures, and topics presented by outside speakers; Biweekly meetings Clinical and research staff of the BMT program and investigators
Monthly Research Review Monthly scientific conference led by Dr. Chao and attended by all investigators and lab personnel in the cellular therapy research program; reviews each research project at least twice yearly. PhDs, MDs, biostatisticians, postdoctoral fellows, lab personnel, graduate students.

Graduate Courses for Track III Trainees

Graduate courses for trainees pursuing basic research include: CBI/MCB208 – Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, Cellular Signaling (CELLBIO/MCB/BIOCHEM 760)  describing mechanisms of signaling at the cellular level, including ligand/receptor interactions and secondary messenger systems, stem cell course (CELLBIO730), RNA biology (CELLBIO668) co-transcriptional and Post-transcriptional control of gene expression and immunology of human disease (IMMUNOL 601).

Graduate courses for trainees pursuing clinical research include: Statistics (CRP241& 245) and Principles of Clinical Research (CRP242), Proteomics and Protein Biology in Medicine (CRP 257) and Patient-reported Outcomes in Medicine (CRP 271).