The Global Jewish Modernism Lab will hold two spring events that complement an exhibit (February-August 2024), curated by the graduate and undergraduate students of “Mapping Jewish Modernism,” taught by Kata Gellen and Saskia Ziolkowski Spring 2023. February 28th 5-7 p.m. come to the opening of “Mapping Jewish Modernism,” held in the Holsti-Anderson Family Room (153 Rubenstein) and exhibit space (Mary Duke Biddle Room in Rubenstein). Yitzhak Lewis, Assistant Professor of Humanities at Duke Kunshan University, will give a talk and students involved in curating the exhibit will briefly present their work. There will be beverages and food. March 20th, 12-2 p.m., also in the Holsti-Anderson Family Room (153 Rubenstein), the Archives, Exhibits, and Literature Dialogue will take place during lunch. Two Duke Romance Studies faculty, Annette Joseph-Gabriel and Felwine Sarr, and two visitors, Emma Bond and Max Czollek, will examine the intersections, problems, and productive intersections between archives, exhibits, and literature.